We wish to produce a database for the comparison of the embedded population of massive stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud and its well studied emerged population of OB stars. This comparison has direct implications on diverse problems related to early evolution of massive stars and their parental gas, the lifetime of ultracompact HII regions and their confining mechanisms, the buildup of the upper end of the main sequence, and the regulation of large scale star formation in molecular clouds. The sensitivity of ISOCAM allows imaging of all the ultracompact HII regions detected by IRAS in the Large Magellanic Cloud within a relatively short observing time. Moreover, the ten-fold increase in spatial resolution permits addressing other questions, such as the morphology and the clustering of these objects, which were beyond the capabilities of IRAS data. Finally, we wish to explore new color-color criteria for automated selection of ultracompact HII regions, more suitable to data obtained by ground-based telescopes in the future. A critical aspect in this respect is the analysis of the capability of these color-color criteria to produce both uncontaminated and complete samples, useful for statistical studies of the embedded massive stellar population in ours and nearby galaxies.