Translation from FITS for: J/A+A/565/A25/./fits/

Summary of FITS file J/A+A/565/A25/fits/
--- fits/      ⇩Download⇩ file
ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname
000     main  32 ()                    5b [....(NoCenter)....]
001    IMAGE -64 (136x175)            70b image [009.86625+00.90781]
002    IMAGE  32 ()                    1b History
003 BINTABLE   8 (318x120/1f)         16b HistoryScript
004 BINTABLE   8 (52x92/4f)            4b HistoryTasks 
005 BINTABLE   8 (198x724/10f)        54b HistoryParameters
006    IMAGE -64 (136x175)            69b error            
007    IMAGE -64 (136x175)            69b coverage         

The header of the FITS file is listed below, followed by a sample of values (limited to 1000 lines).
#--- fits/
#ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname

#000     main  32 ()                    5b [....(NoCenter)....]
SIMPLE  =                    T / Java FITS: Mon Mar 04 12:29:50 PST 2013
BITPIX  =                   32
NAXIS   =                    0 / Dimensionality
EXTEND  =                    T / May contain datasets
TIMESYS = 'UTC     '           / All dates are in UTC time
LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0'           / The OGIP long string convention may be used.
COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are
COMMENT continued over multiple keywords.  This convention uses the  '&'
COMMENT character at the end of a string which is then continued
COMMENT on subsequent keywords whose name = 'CONTINUE'.
          ---------------Herschel FITS Data Generator---------------
          This product is generated by Herschel software.
HCSS____=                    5 / HCSS Fits Product Version
          -------------- Herschel Structure Data--------------------
          Following fields are private to the structure of the
          Java object this HDU is representing.
CLASS___= 'herschel.ia.dataset.image.SimpleImage' / java representation
INFO____= 'PMW map '
          -------------- Herschel Parameter Data--------------------
          All actual parameter names are converted to FITS compliant
          conventions. Note that the HIERARCH comments contain the
          appropriate key mapping
TYPE    = 'PMP     '           / Product Type Identification
CREATOR = 'naiveScanMapper0.3' / Generator of this product
DATE    = '2013-03-04T20:21:09.227000' / Creation date of this product
DESC    = 'PMW map '           / Name of this product
INSTRUME= 'SPIRE   '           / Instrument attached to this product
MODELNAM= 'FLIGHT  '           / Model name attached to this product
DATE-OBS= '2013-01-21T15:59:34.270148' / Start date of this product
DATE_OBS= '2013-01-21T15:59:34.270148' / Start date of this product
DATE-END= '2013-01-21T16:30:23.117612' / End date of this product
FORMATV = 'Unknown '           / Version of product format
FIRSTSAM=                    0 / []
LASTSAM =              1370495 / []
META_0  =                    2 / [] WCS: Number of Axes
CRPIX1  =                 67.0 / []
CRPIX2  =                 89.0 / []
CRVAL1  =    9.862078910107195 / [] WCS: First coordinate of reference pixel
CRVAL2  =   0.9105910282592293 / [] WCS: Second coordinate of reference pixel
CDELT1  =   -0.002777777777778 / [] WCS: Pixel scale axis 1, unit=Angle
CDELT2  = 0.002777777777777778 / [] WCS: Pixel scale axis 2, unit=Angle
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / WCS: Projection type axis 1, default="LINEAR"
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / WCS: Projection type axis 2, default="LINEAR"
EQUINOX =               2000.0 / [] Equinox of celestial coordinate system
CROTA2  =                  0.0 / [] The Rotation angle
META_1  =                  136 / []
META_2  =                  175 / []
AOR     = 'HCG7_SPIRE'         / AOR Label as entered in HSpot
AOT     = 'Photometer'         / AOT Identifier
AUTHOR  = 'Unknown '           / Author of the Data
CUSMODE = 'SpirePhotoLargeScan' / CUS observation mode
DEC     =   0.9105910282592293 / [deg] Actual Declination of pointing
DEC_NOM =   0.8781666666666667 / [deg] Requested Declination of pointing
INSTMODE= 'POF5    '           / Instrument Mode
MISSIONC= 'MC_H102ASTR_P70ASTR_S66ASTR_RP' / Mission configuration
NAIFID  = 'Unknown '           / SSO NAIF identifier
OBJECT  = 'hcg7    '           / Target name
OBSERVER= 'vcharman'           / Observer name
OBS_ID  =           1342261718 / [] Observation identifier
OBS_MODE= 'Large Map'          / Observation mode name
ODNUMBER=                 1348 / [] Operational day number
ORIGIN  = 'Herschel Science Centre' / Site that created the product
POINTMOD= 'Cross_scan'         / Pointing mode
POSANGLE=   248.20497213226514 / [deg] Position Angle of pointing
PROPOSAL= 'OT2_vcharman_2'     / Proposal name
RA      =    9.862078910107195 / [deg] Actual Right Ascension of pointing
RADESYS = 'ICRS    '           / Coordinate reference frame for the RA and DEC
RA_NOM  =    9.849583333333333 / [deg] Requested Right Ascension of pointing
TELESCOP= 'Herschel Space Observatory' / Name of telescope
PMRA    =                  0.0 / [arcsec a-1] Target's proper motion, RA comp&
COMMENT onent in arcsec/year
PMDEC   =                  0.0 / [arcsec a-1] Target's proper motion, DEC com&
COMMENT ponent in arcsec/year
CALVERS = 'spire_cal_9_1'      / Calibration version
DETECTOR= 'PMW     '           / Name of the bolometer array
META_3  = 'Jy/beam '           / Unit of the signal
RINVSAMP=                  0.0 / [] Fraction of NaN or infinite samples
RINVCOOR=                  0.0 / [] Fraction of NaN or infinite coordinates
NTODSAMP=              1370496 / [] Number of data samples propogated in the &
COMMENT creation of this Tod
WAVELNTH=                350.0 / [micrometer] The reference wavelength at whi&
COMMENT ch the image is taken
LEVEL   = '20      '           / The level of the product
HIERARCH  key.TYPE='type'
HIERARCH  key.CREATOR='creator'
HIERARCH  key.DATE='creationDate'
HIERARCH  key.DESC='description'
HIERARCH  key.INSTRUME='instrument'
HIERARCH  key.MODELNAM='modelName'
HIERARCH  key.DATE-OBS='startDate'
HIERARCH  key.DATE-END='endDate'
HIERARCH  key.FORMATV='formatVersion'
HIERARCH  key.FIRSTSAM='firstSample'
HIERARCH  key.LASTSAM='lastSample'
HIERARCH  key.META_0='naxis'
HIERARCH  key.CRPIX1='crpix1'
HIERARCH  key.CRPIX2='crpix2'
HIERARCH  key.CRVAL1='crval1'
HIERARCH  key.CRVAL2='crval2'
HIERARCH  key.CDELT1='cdelt1'
HIERARCH  key.CDELT2='cdelt2'
HIERARCH  key.CTYPE1='ctype1'
HIERARCH  key.CTYPE2='ctype2'
HIERARCH  key.EQUINOX='equinox'
HIERARCH  key.CROTA2='crota2'
HIERARCH  key.META_1='naxis1'
HIERARCH  key.META_2='naxis2'
HIERARCH  key.AOR='aorLabel'
HIERARCH  key.AOT='aot'
HIERARCH  key.AUTHOR='author'
HIERARCH  key.DEC='dec'
HIERARCH  key.DEC_NOM='decNominal'
HIERARCH  key.MISSIONC='missionConfig'
HIERARCH  key.OBJECT='object'
HIERARCH  key.OBSERVER='observer'
HIERARCH  key.OBS_ID='obsid'
HIERARCH  key.OBS_MODE='obsMode'
HIERARCH  key.ORIGIN='origin'
HIERARCH  key.POINTMOD='pointingMode'
HIERARCH  key.PROPOSAL='proposal'
HIERARCH  key.RA='ra'
HIERARCH  key.RA_NOM='raNominal'
HIERARCH  key.TELESCOP='telescope'
HIERARCH  key.CALVERS='calVersion'
HIERARCH  key.DETECTOR='arrayName'
HIERARCH  key.META_3='unit'
HIERARCH  key.RINVSAMP='ratioInvalidSamplesInTimeline'
HIERARCH  key.RINVCOOR='ratioInvalidCoordsInTimeline'
HIERARCH  key.NTODSAMP='nDataSamples'
HIERARCH  key.WAVELNTH='wavelength'
HIERARCH  key.LEVEL='level'
          -----------------Dataset Children-------------------------
          Below you will find all HDU locations that are children of
          this composite dataset.
DSETS___=                    4 / Number of datasets
DS_0    =                    1 / HDU of Child Dataset
DS_1    =                    2 / HDU of Child Dataset
DS_2    =                    6 / HDU of Child Dataset
DS_3    =                    7 / HDU of Child Dataset

#001    IMAGE -64 (136x175)            70b image [009.86625+00.90781]
XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           / Java FITS: Mon Mar 04 12:29:50 PST 2013
BITPIX  =                  -64
NAXIS   =                    2 / Dimensionality
NAXIS1  =                  136
NAXIS2  =                  175
PCOUNT  =                    0 / No extra parameters
GCOUNT  =                    1 / One group
LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0'           / The OGIP long string convention may be used.
COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are
COMMENT continued over multiple keywords.  This convention uses the  '&'
COMMENT character at the end of a string which is then continued
COMMENT on subsequent keywords whose name = 'CONTINUE'.
          -------------- Herschel Structure Data--------------------
          Following fields are private to the structure of the
          Java object this HDU is representing.
EXTNAME = 'image   '           / name of this HDU
CLASS___= 'herschel.ia.dataset.ArrayDataset' / java representation
INFO____= 'Image   '
DATA____= 'herschel.ia.numeric.Double2d' / java Data
QTTY____= 'Jy/pixel'           / Unit of the data
          -------------- Herschel Parameter Data--------------------
          All actual parameter names are converted to FITS compliant
          conventions. Note that the HIERARCH comments contain the
          appropriate key mapping
CRPIX1  =                 67.0 / [] WCS: Reference pixel position axis 1, uni&
COMMENT t=Scalar
CRPIX2  =                 89.0 / [] WCS: Reference pixel position axis 2, uni&
COMMENT t=Scalar
CRVAL1  =    9.862078910107195 / [] WCS: First coordinate of reference pixel
CRVAL2  =   0.9105910282592293 / [] WCS: Second coordinate of reference pixel
CDELT1  =   -0.002777777777778 / [] WCS: Pixel scale axis 1, unit=Angle
CDELT2  = 0.002777777777777778 / [] WCS: Pixel scale axis 2, unit=Angle
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / WCS: Projection type axis 1, default="LINEAR"
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / WCS: Projection type axis 2, default="LINEAR"
EQUINOX =               2000.0 / [] WCS: Equinox, unit=Duration
CROTA2  =                  0.0 / [] The Rotation angle
META_0  =                  175 / []
META_1  =                  136 / []
HIERARCH  key.CRPIX1='crpix1'
HIERARCH  key.CRPIX2='crpix2'
HIERARCH  key.CRVAL1='crval1'
HIERARCH  key.CRVAL2='crval2'
HIERARCH  key.CDELT1='cdelt1'
HIERARCH  key.CDELT2='cdelt2'
HIERARCH  key.CTYPE1='ctype1'
HIERARCH  key.CTYPE2='ctype2'
HIERARCH  key.EQUINOX='equinox'
HIERARCH  key.CROTA2='crota2'
HIERARCH  key.META_0='naxis2'
HIERARCH  key.META_1='naxis1'

#002    IMAGE  32 ()                    1b History
XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           / Java FITS: Mon Mar 04 12:29:50 PST 2013
BITPIX  =                   32
NAXIS   =                    0 / Dimensionality
PCOUNT  =                    0 / Mandatory FITS keyword
GCOUNT  =                    1 / Mandatory FITS keyword
LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0'           / The OGIP long string convention may be used.
COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are
COMMENT continued over multiple keywords.  This convention uses the  '&'
COMMENT character at the end of a string which is then continued
COMMENT on subsequent keywords whose name = 'CONTINUE'.
          -------------- Herschel Structure Data--------------------
          Following fields are private to the structure of the
          Java object this HDU is representing.
EXTNAME = 'History '           / name of this HDU
CLASS___= 'herschel.ia.dataset.history.HistoryDataset' / java representation
INFO____= 'History of product'
          -----------------Dataset Children-------------------------
          Below you will find all HDU locations that are children of
          this composite dataset.
DSETS___=                    3 / Number of datasets
DS_0    =                    3 / HDU of Child Dataset
DS_1    =                    4 / HDU of Child Dataset
DS_2    =                    5 / HDU of Child Dataset

#003 BINTABLE   8 (318x120/1f)         16b HistoryScript
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / Java FITS: Mon Mar 04 12:29:50 PST 2013
BITPIX  =                    8
NAXIS   =                    2 / Dimensionality
NAXIS1  =                  318
NAXIS2  =                  120
PCOUNT  =                    0
GCOUNT  =                    1
TFIELDS =                    1
LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0'           / The OGIP long string convention may be used.
COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are
COMMENT continued over multiple keywords.  This convention uses the  '&'
COMMENT character at the end of a string which is then continued
COMMENT on subsequent keywords whose name = 'CONTINUE'.
          -------------- Herschel Structure Data--------------------
          Following fields are private to the structure of the
          Java object this HDU is representing.
EXTNAME = 'HistoryScript'      / name of this HDU
CLASS___= 'herschel.ia.dataset.TableDataset' / java representation
INFO____= 'History as Jython script'
          -------------- Herschel Parameter Data--------------------
          All actual parameter names are converted to FITS compliant
          conventions. Note that the HIERARCH comments contain the
          appropriate key mapping
LSTOUTVR= 'result6 '           / last output variable
          ---------------Herschel Column Information----------------
          Below follow additional fields to re-create the table
          columns into herschel.ia.dataset.Column objects
          * TTYPExxx - Column name
          * TCOLUxxx - Java Column container
          * TCLASxxx - Java ArrayData container
          * TFORMxxx - FITS column type
          * TDIMxxx  - FITS column dimensions
          * TUNITxxx - herschel.share.unit.Unit
TTYPE1  = 'Lines   '           / script lines
TFORM1  = '318A    '
TDIM1   = '(318)   '
TCOLU1  = 'herschel.ia.dataset.Column'
TCLAS1  = 'herschel.ia.numeric.String1d'

#004 BINTABLE   8 (52x92/4f)            4b HistoryTasks 
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / Java FITS: Mon Mar 04 12:29:50 PST 2013
BITPIX  =                    8
NAXIS   =                    2 / Dimensionality
NAXIS1  =                   52
NAXIS2  =                   92
PCOUNT  =                    0
GCOUNT  =                    1
TFIELDS =                    4
LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0'           / The OGIP long string convention may be used.
COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are
COMMENT continued over multiple keywords.  This convention uses the  '&'
COMMENT character at the end of a string which is then continued
COMMENT on subsequent keywords whose name = 'CONTINUE'.
          -------------- Herschel Structure Data--------------------
          Following fields are private to the structure of the
          Java object this HDU is representing.
EXTNAME = 'HistoryTasks'       / name of this HDU
CLASS___= 'herschel.ia.dataset.TableDataset' / java representation
INFO____= 'History of tasks'
          ---------------Herschel Column Information----------------
          Below follow additional fields to re-create the table
          columns into herschel.ia.dataset.Column objects
          * TTYPExxx - Column name
          * TCOLUxxx - Java Column container
          * TCLASxxx - Java ArrayData container
          * TFORMxxx - FITS column type
          * TDIMxxx  - FITS column dimensions
          * TUNITxxx - herschel.share.unit.Unit
TFORM1  = '1K      '
TFORM2  = '27A     '
TDIM2   = '(27)    '
TFORM3  = '1K      '
TFORM4  = '9A      '
TDIM4   = '(9)     '
TTYPE1  = 'ID      '           / Links the parameter and task table
TCOLU1  = 'herschel.ia.dataset.Column'
TCLAS1  = 'herschel.ia.numeric.Long1d'
TTYPE2  = 'Name    '           / The name of the task
TCOLU2  = 'herschel.ia.dataset.Column'
TCLAS2  = 'herschel.ia.numeric.String1d'
TTYPE3  = 'ExecDate'           / Time of execution (FINETIME)
TCOLU3  = 'herschel.ia.dataset.Column'
TCLAS3  = 'herschel.ia.numeric.Long1d'
TTYPE4  = 'BuildVersion'       / The used HCSS build
TCOLU4  = 'herschel.ia.dataset.Column'
TCLAS4  = 'herschel.ia.numeric.String1d'

#005 BINTABLE   8 (198x724/10f)        54b HistoryParameters
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / Java FITS: Mon Mar 04 12:29:50 PST 2013
BITPIX  =                    8
NAXIS   =                    2 / Dimensionality
NAXIS1  =                  198
NAXIS2  =                  724
PCOUNT  =                    0
GCOUNT  =                    1
TFIELDS =                   10
LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0'           / The OGIP long string convention may be used.
COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are
COMMENT continued over multiple keywords.  This convention uses the  '&'
COMMENT character at the end of a string which is then continued
COMMENT on subsequent keywords whose name = 'CONTINUE'.
          -------------- Herschel Structure Data--------------------
          Following fields are private to the structure of the
          Java object this HDU is representing.
EXTNAME = 'HistoryParameters'  / name of this HDU
CLASS___= 'herschel.ia.dataset.TableDataset' / java representation
INFO____= 'The parameters belonging to the task history'
          ---------------Herschel Column Information----------------
          Below follow additional fields to re-create the table
          columns into herschel.ia.dataset.Column objects
          * TTYPExxx - Column name
          * TCOLUxxx - Java Column container
          * TCLASxxx - Java ArrayData container
          * TFORMxxx - FITS column type
          * TDIMxxx  - FITS column dimensions
          * TUNITxxx - herschel.share.unit.Unit
TFORM1  = '1K      '
TFORM2  = '26A     '
TDIM2   = '(26)    '
TFORM3  = '7A      '
TDIM3   = '(7)     '
TFORM4  = '21A     '
TDIM4   = '(21)    '
TFORM5  = '1L      '
TFORM6  = '1K      '
TFORM7  = '1L      '
TFORM8  = '74A     '
TDIM8   = '(74)    '
TFORM9  = '11A     '
TDIM9   = '(11)    '
TFORM10 = '41A     '
TDIM10  = '(41)    '
TTYPE1  = 'TaskID  '           / Links the parameter and task table
TCOLU1  = 'herschel.ia.dataset.Column'
TCLAS1  = 'herschel.ia.numeric.Long1d'
TTYPE2  = 'Name    '           / The name of the parameter
TCOLU2  = 'herschel.ia.dataset.Column'
TCLAS2  = 'herschel.ia.numeric.String1d'
TTYPE3  = 'Type    '           / Type of parameter
TCOLU3  = 'herschel.ia.dataset.Column'
TCLAS3  = 'herschel.ia.numeric.String1d'
TTYPE4  = 'Value   '           / String representation of the parameter value
TCOLU4  = 'herschel.ia.dataset.Column'
TCLAS4  = 'herschel.ia.numeric.String1d'
TTYPE5  = 'IsDefault'          / True if the default value has been used
TCOLU5  = 'herschel.ia.dataset.Column'
TCLAS5  = 'herschel.ia.numeric.Bool1d'
TTYPE6  = 'IncTaskId'          / ID of the history of an included product
TCOLU6  = 'herschel.ia.dataset.Column'
TCLAS6  = 'herschel.ia.numeric.Long1d'
TTYPE7  = 'UserInput'          / Needs user input
TCOLU7  = 'herschel.ia.dataset.Column'
TCLAS7  = 'herschel.ia.numeric.Bool1d'
TTYPE8  = 'Class   '           / Class of the parameter
TCOLU8  = 'herschel.ia.dataset.Column'
TCLAS8  = 'herschel.ia.numeric.String1d'
TTYPE9  = 'ProductType'        / Product Type for History
TCOLU9  = 'herschel.ia.dataset.Column'
TCLAS9  = 'herschel.ia.numeric.String1d'
TTYPE10 = 'ProductId'          / Human Readable Product Identifer for History
TCOLU10 = 'herschel.ia.dataset.Column'
TCLAS10 = 'herschel.ia.numeric.String1d'

#006    IMAGE -64 (136x175)            69b error            
XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           / Java FITS: Mon Mar 04 12:29:50 PST 2013
BITPIX  =                  -64
NAXIS   =                    2 / Dimensionality
NAXIS1  =                  136
NAXIS2  =                  175
PCOUNT  =                    0 / No extra parameters
GCOUNT  =                    1 / One group
LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0'           / The OGIP long string convention may be used.
COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are
COMMENT continued over multiple keywords.  This convention uses the  '&'
COMMENT character at the end of a string which is then continued
COMMENT on subsequent keywords whose name = 'CONTINUE'.
          -------------- Herschel Structure Data--------------------
          Following fields are private to the structure of the
          Java object this HDU is representing.
EXTNAME = 'error   '           / name of this HDU
CLASS___= 'herschel.ia.dataset.ArrayDataset' / java representation
INFO____= 'Statistical error on the pixel values'
DATA____= 'herschel.ia.numeric.Double2d' / java Data
QTTY____= 'Jy/pixel'           / Unit of the data

#007    IMAGE -64 (136x175)            69b coverage         
XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           / Java FITS: Mon Mar 04 12:29:50 PST 2013
BITPIX  =                  -64
NAXIS   =                    2 / Dimensionality
NAXIS1  =                  136
NAXIS2  =                  175
PCOUNT  =                    0 / No extra parameters
GCOUNT  =                    1 / One group
LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0'           / The OGIP long string convention may be used.
COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are
COMMENT continued over multiple keywords.  This convention uses the  '&'
COMMENT character at the end of a string which is then continued
COMMENT on subsequent keywords whose name = 'CONTINUE'.
          -------------- Herschel Structure Data--------------------
          Following fields are private to the structure of the
          Java object this HDU is representing.
EXTNAME = 'coverage'           / name of this HDU
CLASS___= 'herschel.ia.dataset.ArrayDataset' / java representation
INFO____= 'Coverage'
DATA____= 'herschel.ia.numeric.Double2d' / java Data
QTTY____= '1       '           / Unit of the data