Translation from FITS for: J/A+A/615/A115/./fits/dustcor_star14.fits

Summary of FITS file J/A+A/615/A115/fits/dustcor_star14.fits:
--- fits/dustcor_star14.fits      ⇩Download⇩ file
ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname
000     main -64 (3981x5)             59b [Wavelength=1640.59/10256.5(0.75552)Angstroms] [0/4(1)]
001 BINTABLE   8 (24x2908/6f)         27b [0/23(1)] [0/2907(1)]
002 BINTABLE   8 (9x12/1f)             2b [0/8(1)] [0/11(1)]

The header of the FITS file is listed below, followed by a sample of values (limited to 1000 lines).
#--- fits/dustcor_star14.fits
#ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname

#000     main -64 (3981x5)             59b [Wavelength=1640.59/10256.5(0.75552)A
ngstroms] [0/4(1)]
SIMPLE  =                    T / conforms to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                  -64 / array data type
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of array dimensions
NAXIS1  =                 3981
NAXIS2  =                    5
EXTEND  =                    T
BUNIT   = 'erg/s/cm**2/Angstrom'
WAT0_001= 'system=linear'
WAT1_001= 'wtype=linear label=Wavelength units=Angstroms'
CRVAL1  =                3.215
CDELT1  =               0.0002
CRPIX1  =                    1
WL1     =             1640.589
WL2     =             10256.51
DISPAXIS=                    1
DC-FLAG =                    1
VACUUM  = 'T       '
PROPOSID= '14141 / PEP proposal identifier'
OBSET_ID= '14/ observation set ID '
EXPTIME = '600.0   '
EXPDEFN = 'SUM     '
EXPSTART= '5.731928825623E+04'
EXPEND  = '57319.30360346'
DATE-OBS= '2015-10-24'
TIME-OBS= '06:55:05 AM'
APERTURE= '52X0.5  '
PR_INV_L= 'Worthey '
PR_INV_F= 'Guy     '
PR_INV_M= ''
ARRAY1  = 'dust corrected flux / erg/s/cm**2/Angstrom'
ARRAY2  = 'dust corrected flux uncertainty / erg/s/cm**2/Angstrom'
ARRAY3  = 'raw flux / erg/s/cm**2/Angstrom'
ARRAY4  = 'raw flux uncertainty / erg/s/cm**2/Angstrom'
ARRAY5  = 'extinction curve'
DUSTMODL= 'Preferred dust fit: five-parameter'
DUSTPAR1= '0.876333720245 / Av  V-band extinction (mag)'
DUSTPAR2= '2.97822918491 / R = Av / E(B-V)'
DUSTPAR3= '4.62697832432 / x0  blue bump wavelength (inverse micrometers)'
DUSTPAR4= '1.15581391163 / gamma  bump width (inverse micrometers)'
DUSTPAR5= '4.13918569204 / c3  bump amplitude'
REFSYNTH= '../synthspec/t20500g2.45.spec / reference synthetic spectrum file &'
CONTINUE  'name'
RA_TARG = '20 01 49.8373  '
DEC_TARG= '-12 41 17.600  '
LIT-OBJ = 'LS IV-12 111  / literature star name'
LIT-V   = '11.4 / V magnitude (SIMBAD)'
LIT-BV  = '-0.1 / B-V magnitude (SIMBAD)'
LIT-V0  = '10.5236662798 / V_0 = dereddened V mag'
LIT-BV0 = '-0.394246569299 / (B-V)_0 = dereddened B-V'
LIT-TEFF= '20500 / literature Teff'
LIT-LOGG= '2.35 / literature log g'
LIT-FEH = '-0.4 / literature [Fe/H]'
LIT-RA  = '20 01 49.8373   / R.A. (SIMBAD)'
LIT-DEC = '-12 41 17.600   / Dec. (SIMBAD)'
EQUINOX = '2000.0  '
LIT-EP  = '2000.0 / Epoch of celestial coordinate system'
LIT-COM = 'Ryans et al. 2013 A&A 401 1119 / literature comment'

#001 BINTABLE   8 (24x2908/6f)         27b [0/23(1)] [0/2907(1)]
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / binary table extension
BITPIX  =                    8 / array data type
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of array dimensions
NAXIS1  =                   24 / length of dimension 1
NAXIS2  =                 2908 / length of dimension 2
PCOUNT  =                    0 / number of group parameters
GCOUNT  =                    1 / number of groups
TFIELDS =                    6 / number of table fields
TTYPE1  = 'wavelength'
TFORM1  = 'E       '
TUNIT1  = 'Angstrom'
TTYPE2  = 'flux (dust corrected)'
TFORM2  = 'E       '
TUNIT2  = 'erg/s/cm**2/Angstrom'
TTYPE3  = 'uncertainty (dust corrected)'
TFORM3  = 'E       '
TUNIT3  = 'erg/s/cm**2/Angstrom'
TTYPE4  = 'flux (uncorrected)'
TFORM4  = 'E       '
TUNIT4  = 'erg/s/cm**2/Angstrom'
TTYPE5  = 'uncertainty (uncorrected)'
TFORM5  = 'E       '
TUNIT5  = 'erg/s/cm**2/Angstrom'
TTYPE6  = 'extinction curve'
TFORM6  = 'E       '
TUNIT6  = 'unitless'

#002 BINTABLE   8 (9x12/1f)             2b [0/8(1)] [0/11(1)]
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / binary table extension
BITPIX  =                    8 / array data type
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of array dimensions
NAXIS1  =                    9 / length of dimension 1
NAXIS2  =                   12 / length of dimension 2
PCOUNT  =                    0 / number of group parameters
GCOUNT  =                    1 / number of groups
TFIELDS =                    1 / number of table fields
TTYPE1  = 'dataset list'
TFORM1  = '9A      '