Translation from FITS for: J/A+A/640/A13/./fits/ParLup3-4.12co3-2.fits

Summary of FITS file J/A+A/640/A13/fits/ParLup3-4.12co3-2.fits:
--- fits/ParLup3-4.12co3-2.fits      ⇩Download⇩ file
ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname
000     main -32 (1500x1500x120x1) 375033b [242.21428-39.09191] [VRAD=-6000/20180(220)m/s] [STOKES=1]

The header of the FITS file is listed below, followed by a sample of values (limited to 1000 lines).
#--- fits/ParLup3-4.12co3-2.fits
#ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname

#000     main -32 (1500x1500x120x1) 375033b [242.21428-39.09191] [VRAD=-6000/201
80(220)m/s] [STOKES=1]
SIMPLE  =                    T /Standard FITS
BITPIX  =                  -32 /Floating point (32 bit)
NAXIS   =                    4
NAXIS1  =                 1500
NAXIS2  =                 1500
NAXIS3  =                  120
NAXIS4  =                    1
EXTEND  =                    T
BSCALE  =   1.000000000000E+00 /PHYSICAL = PIXEL*BSCALE + BZERO
BZERO   =   0.000000000000E+00
BMAJ    =   8.664343092177E-05
BMIN    =   7.971016069253E-05
BPA     =   8.488483428955E+01
BTYPE   = 'Intensity'
OBJECT  = 'ParLup3-4'
BUNIT   = 'Jy/beam '           /Brightness (pixel) unit
LONPOLE =   1.800000000000E+02
LATPOLE =  -3.909190277778E+01
PC1_1   =   1.000000000000E+00
PC2_1   =   0.000000000000E+00
PC3_1   =   0.000000000000E+00
PC4_1   =   0.000000000000E+00
PC1_2   =   0.000000000000E+00
PC2_2   =   1.000000000000E+00
PC3_2   =   0.000000000000E+00
PC4_2   =   0.000000000000E+00
PC1_3   =   0.000000000000E+00
PC2_3   =   0.000000000000E+00
PC3_3   =   1.000000000000E+00
PC4_3   =   0.000000000000E+00
PC1_4   =   0.000000000000E+00
PC2_4   =   0.000000000000E+00
PC3_4   =   0.000000000000E+00
PC4_4   =   1.000000000000E+00
CTYPE1  = 'RA---SIN'
CRVAL1  =   2.422142791667E+02
CDELT1  =  -5.555555555556E-06
CRPIX1  =   7.510000000000E+02
CUNIT1  = 'deg     '
CRVAL2  =  -3.909190277778E+01
CDELT2  =   5.555555555556E-06
CRPIX2  =   7.510000000000E+02
CUNIT2  = 'deg     '
CTYPE3  = 'VRAD    '
CRVAL3  =  -6.000000355781E+03
CDELT3  =   2.200000000236E+02
CRPIX3  =   1.000000000000E+00
CUNIT3  = 'm/s     '
CRVAL4  =   1.000000000000E+00
CDELT4  =   1.000000000000E+00
CRPIX4  =   1.000000000000E+00
CUNIT4  = '        '
PV2_1   =   0.000000000000E+00
PV2_2   =   0.000000000000E+00
RESTFRQ =   3.457959899000E+11 /Rest Frequency (Hz)
SPECSYS = 'LSRK    '           /Spectral reference frame
ALTRVAL =   3.458029106080E+11 /Alternate frequency reference value
ALTRPIX =   1.000000000000E+00 /Alternate frequency reference pixel
VELREF  =                  257 /1 LSR, 2 HEL, 3 OBS, +256 Radio
COMMENT casacore non-standard usage: 4 LSD, 5 GEO, 6 SOU, 7 GAL
OBSERVER= 'asmiranda'
DATE-OBS= '2018-03-24T08:18:52.271999'
TIMESYS = 'UTC     '
OBSRA   =   2.422142791667E+02
OBSDEC  =  -3.909190277778E+01
OBSGEO-X=   2.225142180269E+06
OBSGEO-Y=  -5.440307370349E+06
OBSGEO-Z=  -2.481029851874E+06
DATE    = '2019-02-04T19:56:12.704000' /Date FITS file was written
ORIGIN  = 'CASA 5.4.0-68'
HISTORY 2019-02-04T19:53:19 INFO SRCCODE='imager::clean()'
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: taskname=importasdm
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: version: 5.1.1-5   CASA Version 5.1.1-5
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: asdm        = "../rawdata/uid___A002_Xcad526_X5ab
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: vis         = "/diskb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/2017.1
HISTORY >.01401.S/science_goal.uid___A001_X1288_Xf19/group.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1a
HISTORY >member.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1b/calibrated/working/uid___A002_Xcad526_X5ab
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: createmms   = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: separationaxis = "auto"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: numsubms    = "auto"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: corr_mode   = "all"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: srt         = "all"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: time_sampling = "all"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: ocorr_mode  = "ca"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: compression = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: lazy        = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: asis        = "SBSummary ExecBlock Antenna Statio
HISTORY >n Receiver Source CalAtmosphere CalWVR"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: wvr_corrected_data = "no"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: scans       = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: ignore_time = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: process_syspower = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: process_caldevice = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: process_pointing = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: process_flags = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: tbuff       = 0.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: applyflags  = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: savecmds    = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: outfile     = ['/diskb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/2017.
HISTORY >1.01401.S/science_goal.uid___A001_X1288_Xf19/group.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1
HISTORY >/member.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1b/calibrated/working/uid___A002_Xcad526_X5a
HISTORY >8.flagonline.txt']
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: flagbackup  = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: verbose     = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: overwrite   = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: showversion = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: useversion  = "v3"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: bdfflags    = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: with_pointing_correction = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: remove_ref_undef = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: convert_ephem2geo = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T07:11:55 INFO SRCCODE='::importasdm'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: polyephem_tabtimestep = 0.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:37 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: taskname=applycal
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:37 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: version: 5.1.1-5   CASA Version 5.1.1-5
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:37 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: vis         = "/diskb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/2017.1
HISTORY >.01401.S/science_goal.uid___A001_X1288_Xf19/group.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1a
HISTORY >member.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1b/calibrated/working/uid___A002_Xcad526_X5ab
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:37 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: field       = "ParLup3-4,J1610-3958"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:37 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: spw         = "25,27,29,31"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:37 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:37 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: selectdata  = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:37 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: timerange   = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:37 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: uvrange     = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:37 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: antenna     = "*&*"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:37 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: scan        = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:37 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: observation = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:37 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: msselect    = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:37 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: docallib    = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:37 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: callib      = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:38 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: gaintable   = ['/diskb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/2017.
HISTORY >1.01401.S/science_goal.uid___A001_X1288_Xf19/group.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1
HISTORY >/member.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1b/calibrated/working/uid___A002_Xcad526_X5a
HISTORY >', '/diskb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/2017.1.0
HISTORY >401.S/science_goal.uid___A001_X1288_Xf19/group.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1a/me
HISTORY >ber.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1b/calibrated/working/uid___A002_Xcad526_X5ab8.m
HISTORY >.hifa_wvrgcalflag.s9_4.sm6_048s.wvrcal.tbl', '/diskb/ltesti/bds_alejand
HISTORY >o/2017.1.01401.S/science_goal.uid___A001_X1288_Xf19/group.uid___A001_X1
HISTORY >88_Xf1a/member.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1b/calibrated/working/uid___A002_Xcad
HISTORY >', '/diskb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/2017.1.01401.S/science_goal.
HISTORY >id___A001_X1288_Xf19/group.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1a/member.uid___A001_X128
HISTORY >_Xf1b/calibrated/working/
HISTORY >_3.spw25_27_29_31.solintinf.gpcal.tbl', '/diskb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/20
HISTORY >7.1.01401.S/science_goal.uid___A001_X1288_Xf19/group.uid___A001_X1288_X
HISTORY >1a/member.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1b/calibrated/working/uid___A002_Xcad526_X
HISTORY >', '/di
HISTORY >kb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/2017.1.01401.S/science_goal.uid___A001_X1288_Xf
HISTORY >9/group.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1a/member.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1b/calibrated/w
HISTORY >rking/
HISTORY >solintinf.gacal.tbl']
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:38 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: gainfield   = ['nearest', '', '', 'nearest', 'nea
HISTORY >rest', 'nearest']
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:38 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: interp      = ['linear,linear', 'nearest', 'linea
HISTORY >rperobs,linearflag', 'linear,linear', 'linear,linear', 'linear,linear']
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:38 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: spwmap      = [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
HISTORY > 11, 12, 17, 19, 21, 23, 17, 17, 19, 19, 21, 21, 23, 23, 17, 17, 19, 19
HISTORY > 21, 21, 23, 23], [], [], [], [], []]
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:38 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: calwt       = [True, False, True, False, False, T
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:38 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: parang      = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:38 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: applymode   = "calflagstrict"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T08:54:38 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: flagbackup  = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: taskname=applycal
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: version: 5.1.1-5   CASA Version 5.1.1-5
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: vis         = "/diskb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/2017.1
HISTORY >.01401.S/science_goal.uid___A001_X1288_Xf19/group.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1a
HISTORY >member.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1b/calibrated/working/uid___A002_Xcad526_X5ab
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: field       = "J1517-2422"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: spw         = "25,27,29,31"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: selectdata  = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: timerange   = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: uvrange     = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: antenna     = "*&*"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: scan        = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: observation = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: msselect    = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: docallib    = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: callib      = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: gaintable   = ['/diskb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/2017.
HISTORY >1.01401.S/science_goal.uid___A001_X1288_Xf19/group.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1
HISTORY >/member.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1b/calibrated/working/uid___A002_Xcad526_X5a
HISTORY >', '/diskb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/2017.1.0
HISTORY >401.S/science_goal.uid___A001_X1288_Xf19/group.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1a/me
HISTORY >ber.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1b/calibrated/working/uid___A002_Xcad526_X5ab8.m
HISTORY >.hifa_wvrgcalflag.s9_4.sm6_048s.wvrcal.tbl', '/diskb/ltesti/bds_alejand
HISTORY >o/2017.1.01401.S/science_goal.uid___A001_X1288_Xf19/group.uid___A001_X1
HISTORY >88_Xf1a/member.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1b/calibrated/working/uid___A002_Xcad
HISTORY >', '/diskb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/2017.1.01401.S/science_goal.
HISTORY >id___A001_X1288_Xf19/group.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1a/member.uid___A001_X128
HISTORY >_Xf1b/calibrated/working/
HISTORY >_3.spw25_27_29_31.solintinf.gpcal.tbl', '/diskb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/20
HISTORY >7.1.01401.S/science_goal.uid___A001_X1288_Xf19/group.uid___A001_X1288_X
HISTORY >1a/member.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1b/calibrated/working/uid___A002_Xcad526_X
HISTORY >', '/di
HISTORY >kb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/2017.1.01401.S/science_goal.uid___A001_X1288_Xf
HISTORY >9/group.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1a/member.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1b/calibrated/w
HISTORY >rking/
HISTORY >solintinf.gacal.tbl']
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: gainfield   = ['nearest', '', '', 'nearest', 'nea
HISTORY >rest', 'nearest']
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: interp      = ['linear,linear', 'nearest', 'linea
HISTORY >rperobs,linearflag', 'linear,linear', 'linear,linear', 'linear,linear']
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: spwmap      = [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
HISTORY > 11, 12, 17, 19, 21, 23, 17, 17, 19, 19, 21, 21, 23, 23, 17, 17, 19, 19
HISTORY > 21, 21, 23, 23], [], [], [], [], []]
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: calwt       = [True, False, True, False, False, T
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: parang      = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: applymode   = "calflagstrict"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:08:28 INFO SRCCODE='::applycal'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: flagbackup  = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: taskname=flagdata
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: version: 5.1.1-5   CASA Version 5.1.1-5
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: vis         = "/diskb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/2017.1
HISTORY >.01401.S/science_goal.uid___A001_X1288_Xf19/group.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1a
HISTORY >member.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1b/calibrated/working/uid___A002_Xcad526_X5ab
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: mode        = "list"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: autocorr    = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: inpfile     = ["spw='25' fieldcnt=True mode='summ
HISTORY >ary' name='AntSpw025", "spw='27' fieldcnt=True mode='summary' name='Ant
HISTORY >pw027", "spw='29' fieldcnt=True mode='summary' name='AntSpw029", "spw='
HISTORY >1' fieldcnt=True mode='summary' name='AntSpw031"]
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: reason      = "any"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: tbuff       = 0.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: spw         = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: field       = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: antenna     = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: uvrange     = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: timerange   = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: correlation = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: scan        = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: intent      = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: array       = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: observation = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: feed        = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: clipminmax  = []
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: datacolumn  = "DATA"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: clipoutside = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: channelavg  = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: chanbin     = 1
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: timeavg     = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: timebin     = "0s"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: clipzeros   = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: quackinterval = 1.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: quackmode   = "beg"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: quackincrement = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: tolerance   = 0.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: addantenna  = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: lowerlimit  = 0.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: upperlimit  = 90.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: ntime       = "scan"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: combinescans = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: timecutoff  = 4.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: freqcutoff  = 3.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: timefit     = "line"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: freqfit     = "poly"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: maxnpieces  = 7
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: flagdimension = "freqtime"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: usewindowstats = "none"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: halfwin     = 1
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: extendflags = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: winsize     = 3
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: timedev     = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: freqdev     = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: timedevscale = 5.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: freqdevscale = 5.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: spectralmax = 1000000.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: spectralmin = 0.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: antint_ref_antenna = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: minchanfrac = 0.6
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: verbose     = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: extendpols  = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: growtime    = 50.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: growfreq    = 50.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: growaround  = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: flagneartime = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: flagnearfreq = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: minrel      = 0.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: maxrel      = 1.0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: minabs      = 0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: maxabs      = -1
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: spwchan     = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: spwcorr     = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: basecnt     = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: fieldcnt    = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: name        = "Summary"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: action      = "apply"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: display     = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: flagbackup  = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: savepars    = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: cmdreason   = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: outfile     = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: overwrite   = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T09:22:05 INFO SRCCODE='::flagdata'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: writeflags  = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: taskname=split
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: version: 5.1.1-5   CASA Version 5.1.1-5
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: vis         = "../2017.1.01401.S/science_goal.uid
HISTORY >___A001_X1288_Xf19/group.uid___A001_X1288_Xf1a/member.uid___A001_X1288_
HISTORY >f1b/calibrated/"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: outputvis   = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: keepmms     = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: field       = "ParLup3-4"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: spw         = "17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: scan        = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: antenna     = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: correlation = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: timerange   = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: array       = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: uvrange     = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: observation = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: feed        = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: datacolumn  = "corrected"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: keepflags   = True
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: width       = [16, 16, 16, 16, 1, 480, 480, 480]
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: timebin     = "30s"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:13:42 INFO SRCCODE='::split'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: combine     = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:51:54 INFO SRCCODE='::concat'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: taskname=concat
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:51:54 INFO SRCCODE='::concat'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: vis          = "['']"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:51:54 INFO SRCCODE='::concat'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: concatvis    = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:51:54 INFO SRCCODE='::concat'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: freqtol      = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:51:54 INFO SRCCODE='::concat'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: dirtol       = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:51:54 INFO SRCCODE='::concat'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: respectname  = "False"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:51:54 INFO SRCCODE='::concat'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: copypointing = "True"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:51:54 INFO SRCCODE='::concat'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: visweightscale = "[0, 0]"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T12:51:54 INFO SRCCODE='::concat'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: forcesingleephemfield = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T13:18:42 INFO SRCCODE='::ms::split()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [fieldids=* spwids=4~7,12~15 step=[1] which='DATA']; MESSAGE:
HISTORY > /diskb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/calib_2017.1.01401.S/
HISTORY >ubmvshcz split from /diskb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/calib_2017.1.01401.S/Pa
HISTORY 2018-05-04T13:18:42 INFO SRCCODE='::uvcontsub'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: taskname=uvcontsub
HISTORY 2018-05-04T13:18:42 INFO SRCCODE='::uvcontsub'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: version: 5.1.1-5   CASA Version 5.1.1-5
HISTORY 2018-05-04T13:18:42 INFO SRCCODE='::uvcontsub'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: vis         = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T13:18:42 INFO SRCCODE='::uvcontsub'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: field       = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T13:18:42 INFO SRCCODE='::uvcontsub'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: fitspw      = "4,5,6,7,12,13,14,15"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T13:18:42 INFO SRCCODE='::uvcontsub'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: excludechans = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T13:18:42 INFO SRCCODE='::uvcontsub'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: combine     = ""
HISTORY 2018-05-04T13:18:42 INFO SRCCODE='::uvcontsub'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: solint      = "int"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T13:18:42 INFO SRCCODE='::uvcontsub'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: fitorder    = 0
HISTORY 2018-05-04T13:18:42 INFO SRCCODE='::uvcontsub'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: spw         = "4,12"
HISTORY 2018-05-04T13:18:42 INFO SRCCODE='::uvcontsub'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: want_cont   = False
HISTORY 2018-05-04T13:22:43 INFO SRCCODE='::ms::split()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [fieldids= spwids=0;4 step=[1] which='corrected']; MESSAGE: Pa
HISTORY > split from /diskb/ltesti/bds_alejandro/calib_201
HISTORY >.1.01401.S/
HISTORY 2018-08-19T02:13:18 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=500 ny=500 cellx='0.05arcsec' ce
HISTORY >lly='0.05arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=100 start=-1 step=0
HISTORY > spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=5 distance='0',  phaseCenter='
HISTORY >6:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -3000' qStep='0.2
HISTORY >m/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-08-19T02:13:39 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-08-19T02:13:39 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-08-19T02:28:08 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=500 ny=500 cellx='0.05arcsec' ce
HISTORY >lly='0.05arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=100 start=-1 step=0
HISTORY > spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=5 distance='0',  phaseCenter='
HISTORY >6:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -3000' qStep='0.15
HISTORY > km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-08-19T02:28:11 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-08-19T02:28:11 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-08-19T02:31:13 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 100, Threshold = 0 mJy
HISTORY 2018-08-19T02:31:13 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Starting deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-08-19T02:31:14 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Successfully deconvolved image
HISTORY 2018-08-19T02:31:14 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Beam used in restoration: 0.378959 by 0.345033 (a
HISTORY >rcsec) at pa 80.563 (deg)
HISTORY 2018-08-19T02:31:14 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-08-19T02:31:59 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=500 ny=500 cellx='0.05arcsec' ce
HISTORY >lly='0.05arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=100 start=-1 step=0
HISTORY > spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=5 distance='0',  phaseCenter='
HISTORY >6:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -3000' qStep='0.15
HISTORY > km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-08-19T02:32:02 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-08-19T02:32:02 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-08-19T15:09:36 WARN SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: The model(s) image exists on disk
HISTORY 2018-08-19T15:09:36 WARN SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: The coordinates or shape were found not to match
HISTORY > the one defined by setimage
HISTORY 2018-08-19T15:09:36 WARN SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Cleaning process is going to ignore setimage para
HISTORY >meters and continue cleaning from from model on disk
HISTORY 2018-08-19T15:09:36 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 4500, Threshold = 0 mJy
HISTORY 2018-08-19T15:09:36 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-08-19T15:12:41 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-08-19T15:12:42 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:15:44 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=500 ny=500 cellx='0.05arcsec' ce
HISTORY >lly='0.05arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=400 start=-1 step=0
HISTORY > spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=5 distance='0',  phaseCenter='
HISTORY >6:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -7000' qStep='0.11
HISTORY > km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:15:53 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:15:53 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:16:16 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Using multifield Clark clean
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:16:16 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 0, Threshold = 0 mJy
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:16:16 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:19:05 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:19:05 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Fitted beam used in restoration: 0.272502 by 0.25
HISTORY >4778 (arcsec) at pa 69.6801 (deg)
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:28:21 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:29:57 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=500 ny=500 cellx='0.05arcsec' ce
HISTORY >lly='0.05arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=200 start=-1 step=0
HISTORY > spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=5 distance='0',  phaseCenter='
HISTORY >6:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -7000' qStep='0.11
HISTORY > km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:30:01 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:30:01 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:30:20 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Using multifield Clark clean
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:30:20 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 0, Threshold = 0 mJy
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:30:20 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:32:20 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:32:20 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Fitted beam used in restoration: 0.272364 by 0.25
HISTORY >478 (arcsec) at pa 69.9917 (deg)
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:33:02 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:35:17 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=1000 ny=1000 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=200 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=5 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -6500' qStep='0.
HISTORY >1 km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:35:39 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:35:39 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:41:30 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=1000 ny=1000 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=200 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=5 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -6500' qStep='0.
HISTORY >1 km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:41:53 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:41:53 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:42:22 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Using multifield Clark clean
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:42:22 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 0, Threshold = 0 mJy
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:42:22 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:46:00 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:46:00 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Fitted beam used in restoration: 0.393697 by 0.35
HISTORY >4686 (arcsec) at pa 89.5043 (deg)
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:46:16 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:50:19 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=500 ny=500 cellx='0.02arcsec' ce
HISTORY >lly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=200 start=-1 step=0
HISTORY > spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=5 distance='0',  phaseCenter='
HISTORY >6:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -7000' qStep='0.11
HISTORY > km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:50:23 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:50:23 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:50:43 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Using multifield Clark clean
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:50:43 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 0, Threshold = 0 mJy
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:50:43 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:52:44 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:52:44 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Fitted beam used in restoration: 0.393685 by 0.35
HISTORY >4667 (arcsec) at pa 89.5093 (deg)
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:53:18 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:54:19 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=500 ny=500 cellx='0.05arcsec' ce
HISTORY >lly='0.05arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=200 start=-1 step=0
HISTORY > spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=5 distance='0',  phaseCenter='
HISTORY >6:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -7000' qStep='0.11
HISTORY > km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:54:23 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:54:23 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:54:42 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Using multifield Clark clean
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:54:42 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 0, Threshold = 0 mJy
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:54:42 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:56:36 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:56:36 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Fitted beam used in restoration: 0.410408 by 0.37
HISTORY >1461 (arcsec) at pa 77.4364 (deg)
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:57:00 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:58:09 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=500 ny=500 cellx='0.05arcsec' ce
HISTORY >lly='0.05arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=100 start=-1 step=0
HISTORY > spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=5 distance='0',  phaseCenter='
HISTORY >6:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -3000' qStep='0.11
HISTORY > km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:58:11 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:58:11 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:58:30 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Using multifield Clark clean
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:58:30 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 0, Threshold = 0 mJy
HISTORY 2018-08-19T16:58:30 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:00:01 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:00:01 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Fitted beam used in restoration: 0.378955 by 0.34
HISTORY >5028 (arcsec) at pa 80.5647 (deg)
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:00:21 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:20:37 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=1000 ny=1000 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=300 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=5 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -5000' qStep='0.
HISTORY >1 km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:21:10 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:21:10 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:21:44 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Using multifield Clark clean
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:21:44 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 0, Threshold = 0 mJy
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:21:44 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:26:50 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:26:50 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Fitted beam used in restoration: 0.274244 by 0.25
HISTORY >3569 (arcsec) at pa 79.7361 (deg)
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:27:22 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:29:51 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=1000 ny=1000 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=300 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=5 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -5000' qStep='0.
HISTORY >1 km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:30:24 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:30:24 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:30:43 WARN SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: The model(s) image exists on disk
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:30:43 WARN SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: The coordinates or shape were found not to match
HISTORY > the one defined by setimage
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:30:43 WARN SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Cleaning process is going to ignore setimage para
HISTORY >meters and continue cleaning from from model on disk
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:30:50 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Using multifield Clark clean
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:30:50 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 0, Threshold = 0 mJy
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:30:50 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:35:26 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:35:26 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Fitted beam used in restoration: 0.274145 by 0.25
HISTORY >3572 (arcsec) at pa 79.6555 (deg)
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:36:57 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:37:32 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=1000 ny=1000 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=200 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=5 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -8000' qStep='0.
HISTORY >1 km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:37:54 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:37:54 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:40:40 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=1000 ny=1000 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=200 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=5 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -8000' qStep='0.
HISTORY >1 km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:41:01 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:41:01 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:41:29 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Using multifield Clark clean
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:41:29 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 0, Threshold = 0 mJy
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:41:29 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:45:17 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:45:17 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Fitted beam used in restoration: 0.274205 by 0.25
HISTORY >3583 (arcsec) at pa 79.5643 (deg)
HISTORY 2018-08-19T17:46:28 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-08-19T18:53:44 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=1000 ny=1000 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=200 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=5 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -8000' qStep='0.
HISTORY >1 km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-08-19T18:54:19 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-08-19T18:54:19 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-08-19T19:57:31 WARN SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: The model(s) image exists on disk
HISTORY 2018-08-19T19:57:31 WARN SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: The coordinates or shape were found not to match
HISTORY > the one defined by setimage
HISTORY 2018-08-19T19:57:31 WARN SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Cleaning process is going to ignore setimage para
HISTORY >meters and continue cleaning from from model on disk
HISTORY 2018-08-19T19:57:31 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 3000, Threshold = 0 mJy
HISTORY 2018-08-19T19:57:31 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-08-19T20:04:11 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-08-19T20:05:40 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-10-30T23:57:44 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=2000 ny=2000 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=250 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=1 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -5000' qStep='10
HISTORY >.819 m/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-10-30T23:59:31 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-10-30T23:59:31 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-10-31T01:13:26 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 3000, Threshold = 0 uJy
HISTORY 2018-10-31T01:13:26 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Starting deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-10-31T04:12:22 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-10-31T04:12:22 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Beam used in restoration: 0.28629 by 0.265118 (ar
HISTORY >csec) at pa 67.5657 (deg)
HISTORY 2018-10-31T11:49:30 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-10-31T12:02:11 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=2000 ny=2000 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=250 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=1 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -5000' qStep='10
HISTORY >.819 m/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-10-31T12:03:52 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-10-31T12:03:52 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-11-01T21:47:27 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 100, Threshold = 0 uJy
HISTORY 2018-11-01T21:47:27 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-11-01T23:04:48 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-11-01T23:32:10 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-11-02T00:38:45 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=2000 ny=2000 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=250 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=1 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -5000' qStep='10
HISTORY >.819 m/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-11-02T00:41:16 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-11-02T00:41:16 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-11-02T01:52:07 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 1000, Threshold = 0 uJy
HISTORY 2018-11-02T01:52:07 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Starting deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-11-02T02:14:44 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-11-02T02:14:44 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Beam used in restoration: 0.28629 by 0.265118 (ar
HISTORY >csec) at pa 67.5657 (deg)
HISTORY 2018-11-02T13:38:16 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-11-02T15:12:24 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=1500 ny=1500 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=225 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=1 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -5000' qStep='10
HISTORY >.819 m/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-11-02T15:18:26 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-11-02T15:18:26 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-11-02T19:43:14 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 2000, Threshold = 0 uJy
HISTORY 2018-11-02T19:43:14 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-11-02T20:45:28 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-11-02T20:47:02 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-11-12T23:24:00 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=2000 ny=2000 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=200 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=5 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -8000' qStep='0.
HISTORY >1 km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-11-12T23:24:59 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-11-12T23:24:59 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-11-13T12:38:53 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=1500 ny=1500 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=225 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=1 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -5000' qStep='10
HISTORY >.819 m/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-11-13T12:39:51 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-11-13T12:39:51 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-11-13T15:48:25 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 100, Threshold = 0 uJy
HISTORY 2018-11-13T15:48:25 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-11-13T16:02:48 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-11-13T16:48:04 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-11-13T16:56:38 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=1500 ny=1500 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=225 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=1 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -5000' qStep='10
HISTORY >.819 m/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-11-13T16:57:47 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-11-13T16:57:47 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-11-13T16:58:15 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Using multifield Clark clean
HISTORY 2018-11-13T16:58:15 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 0, Threshold = 0 uJy
HISTORY 2018-11-13T16:58:15 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-11-13T17:14:56 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-11-13T17:14:56 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Fitted beam used in restoration: 0.280607 by 0.26
HISTORY >0281 (arcsec) at pa 69.9997 (deg)
HISTORY 2018-11-13T17:16:47 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-11-13T17:25:05 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=1500 ny=1500 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=225 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=1 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -5000' qStep='10
HISTORY >.819 m/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-11-13T17:27:01 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-11-13T17:27:01 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-11-13T18:33:37 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 3900, Threshold = 0 uJy
HISTORY 2018-11-13T18:33:37 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-11-13T19:11:16 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-11-13T19:11:31 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-11-13T19:17:39 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=1500 ny=1500 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=225 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=1 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -5000' qStep='10
HISTORY >.819 m/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-11-13T19:19:37 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-11-13T19:19:37 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-11-13T21:33:42 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 3700, Threshold = 0 uJy
HISTORY 2018-11-13T21:33:42 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-11-13T22:06:15 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-11-13T22:06:33 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-11-15T17:00:15 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=1500 ny=1500 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=225 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=1 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -5000' qStep='10
HISTORY >.819 m/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-11-15T17:00:52 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-11-15T17:00:52 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-11-15T18:32:07 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 500, Threshold = 0 uJy
HISTORY 2018-11-15T18:32:07 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-11-15T19:26:33 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-11-15T19:31:04 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2018-11-15T21:59:42 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=1500 ny=1500 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=225 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=1 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -5000' qStep='10
HISTORY >.819 m/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2018-11-15T22:02:20 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2018-11-15T22:02:20 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2018-11-15T22:30:09 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 500, Threshold = 0 uJy
HISTORY 2018-11-15T22:30:09 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Starting deconvolution
HISTORY 2018-11-15T23:00:16 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2018-11-15T23:00:16 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Beam used in restoration: 0.302151 by 0.278295 (a
HISTORY >rcsec) at pa 84.1004 (deg)
HISTORY 2018-11-15T23:01:12 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2019-02-04T15:10:07 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=1500 ny=1500 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=120 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=1 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -6000' qStep='0.
HISTORY >2 km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2019-02-04T15:10:52 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2019-02-04T15:10:52 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2019-02-04T15:57:35 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::defineimage()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: [Defining image properties:nx=1500 ny=1500 cellx='0.02arcsec'
HISTORY > celly='0.02arcsec' stokes=I' mode=RADIOVELOCITY nchan=120 start=-1 ste
HISTORY >=0 spwids=[0, 1] fieldid=-1 facets=1 frame=1 distance='0',  phaseCenter
HISTORY >'16:08:51.43,  320.54.29.15, ' mStart='Radialvelocity: -6000' qStep='0.
HISTORY >2 km/s'' mFreqStart='Frequency: 0]; MESSAGE:
HISTORY 2019-02-04T15:58:40 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Weighting MS: Imaging weights will be changed
HISTORY 2019-02-04T15:58:40 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::weight()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Briggs weighting: sidelobes will be suppressed ov
HISTORY >er full image
HISTORY 2019-02-04T19:36:49 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Clean gain = 0.1, Niter = 5600, Threshold = 0 uJy
HISTORY 2019-02-04T19:36:49 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Continuing deconvolution
HISTORY 2019-02-04T19:51:53 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::clean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Threshhold not reached yet.
HISTORY 2019-02-04T19:52:04 INFO SRCCODE='::imager::iClean()'
HISTORY CLI_COMM: []; MESSAGE: Restoring Image(s) with the clean-beam
HISTORY 2019-02-04T19:53:37 INFO SRCCODE='::image::calc'
HISTORY Ran ia.calc
HISTORY 2019-02-04T19:53:37 INFO SRCCODE='::image::calc'
HISTORY ia.calc(expr="iif('ParLup3-4.12co.w0.5_uvranged_50-800_binning_v2.flux'>
HISTORY >0.2,'ParLup3-4.12co.w0.5_uvranged_50-800_binning_v2.image'/'ParLup3-4.1
HISTORY >co.w0.5_uvranged_50-800_binning_v2.flux', 0)", verbose=false)

#---File: fits/ParLup3-4.12co3-2.fits
  RA---SIN   DEC--SIN    VRAD      Value   
    deg         deg      m/s           Jy/beam  
----------- ---------- ------- ---- ------------
 242.218446 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218440 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218435 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218429 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218424 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218418 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218413 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218407 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218401 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218396 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218390 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218385 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218379 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218374 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218368 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218363 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218357 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218351 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218346 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218340 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218335 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218329 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218324 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218318 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218313 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218307 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218301 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218296 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218290 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218285 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218279 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218274 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218268 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218263 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218257 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218251 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218246 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218240 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218235 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218229 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218224 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218218 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218213 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218207 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218201 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218196 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218190 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218185 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218179 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218174 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218168 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218163 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218157 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218151 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218146 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218140 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218135 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218129 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218124 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218118 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218113 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218107 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218101 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218096 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218090 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218085 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218079 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218074 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218068 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218063 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218057 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218051 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218046 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218040 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218035 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218029 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218024 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218018 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218013 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218007 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.218001 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217996 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217990 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217985 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217979 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217974 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217968 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217963 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217957 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217951 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217946 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217940 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217935 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217929 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217924 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217918 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217913 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217907 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217901 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217896 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217890 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217885 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217879 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217874 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217868 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217863 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217857 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217851 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217846 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217840 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217835 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217829 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217824 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217818 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217813 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217807 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217801 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217796 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217790 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217785 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217779 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217774 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217768 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217763 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217757 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217751 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217746 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217740 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217735 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217729 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217724 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217718 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217713 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217707 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217701 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217696 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217690 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217685 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217679 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217674 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217668 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217663 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.217657 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.216963 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.216946 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.216924 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.216890 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.216868 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.216846 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.216807 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.216785 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.216774 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216768 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216763 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216757 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216751 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216746 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216740 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216735 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216729 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216724 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216718 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216713 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.216701 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216696 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216690 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216685 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216679 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216674 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216668 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216663 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216657 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216651 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216646 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216640 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216635 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216629 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216624 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216618 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216613 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216607 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216601 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216596 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216590 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216585 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216579 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216574 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216568 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216563 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216557 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216551 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216546 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216540 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216535 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216529 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.216518 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216513 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216507 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216501 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216496 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216490 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216485 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216479 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216474 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216468 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216463 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216457 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216451 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216446 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216440 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216435 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216429 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216424 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216418 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216413 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216407 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216401 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216396 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216390 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216385 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216379 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216374 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216368 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216363 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216357 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216351 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216346 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216340 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216335 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216329 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216324 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216318 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216313 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216307 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216301 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216296 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216290 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216285 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216279 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216274 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216268 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216263 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216257 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216251 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216246 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216240 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216235 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216229 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216224 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216218 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216213 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216207 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216201 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216196 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216190 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216185 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216179 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216174 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216168 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216163 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216157 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216151 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216146 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216140 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216135 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216129 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216124 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216118 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216113 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216107 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216101 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216096 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216090 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216085 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216079 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216074 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216068 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216063 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216057 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216051 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216046 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216040 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216035 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216029 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216024 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216018 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216013 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216007 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.216001 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215996 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215990 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215985 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215979 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215974 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215968 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215963 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215957 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215951 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215946 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215940 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215935 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215929 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215924 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215918 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215913 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215907 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215901 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215896 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215890 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215885 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215879 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215874 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215868 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215863 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215857 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215851 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215846 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215840 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215835 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215829 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215824 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215818 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215813 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215807 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215801 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215796 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215790 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215785 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215779 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215774 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215768 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215763 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215757 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215751 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215746 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215740 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215735 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215729 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215724 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215718 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215713 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215707 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215701 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215696 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215690 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215685 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215679 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215674 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215668 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215663 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215657 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215651 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215646 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215640 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215635 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.215629 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214963 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214907 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214846 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214807 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214796 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214774 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214768 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214763 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214746 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214740 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214735 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214729 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214718 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214707 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214696 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214685 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214679 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214674 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214668 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214663 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214646 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214640 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214635 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214629 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214618 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214613 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214607 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214596 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214585 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214574 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214568 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214563 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214557 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214551 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214546 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214540 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214535 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214529 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214524 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214518 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214513 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214507 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214496 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214485 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214479 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214474 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214468 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214463 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214451 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214446 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214440 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214435 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214429 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.214418 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214413 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214407 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214401 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214396 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214390 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214385 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214379 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214374 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214368 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214363 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214357 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214351 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214346 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214340 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214335 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214329 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214324 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214318 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214313 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214307 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214301 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214296 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214290 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214285 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214279 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214274 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214268 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214263 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214257 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214251 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214246 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214240 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214235 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214229 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214224 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214218 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214213 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214207 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214201 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214196 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214190 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214185 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214179 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214174 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214168 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214163 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214157 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214151 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214146 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214140 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214135 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214129 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214124 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214118 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214113 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214107 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214101 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214096 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214090 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214085 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214079 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214074 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214068 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214063 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214057 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214051 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214046 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214040 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214035 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214029 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214024 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214018 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214013 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214007 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.214001 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213996 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213990 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213985 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213979 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213974 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213968 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213963 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213957 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213951 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213946 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213940 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213935 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213929 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213924 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213918 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213913 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213907 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.213896 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213890 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213885 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213879 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213874 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213868 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213863 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213857 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213851 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213846 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213840 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213835 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213829 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.213818 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213813 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213807 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.213796 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213790 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213785 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213779 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213774 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213768 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213763 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213757 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213751 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213746 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213740 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213735 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213729 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213724 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213718 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213713 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213707 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213701 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213696 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213690 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213685 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213679 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213674 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213668 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213663 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213657 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213651 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213646 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213640 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213635 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213629 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213624 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213618 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213613 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213607 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213601 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213596 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213590 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213585 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213579 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213574 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213568 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213563 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213557 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213551 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213546 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213540 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213535 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213529 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213524 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213518 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213513 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213507 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213501 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213496 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213490 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213485 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213479 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213474 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213468 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213463 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213457 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213451 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213446 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213440 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213435 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213429 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213424 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213418 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213413 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213407 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213401 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.213390 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213385 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213379 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213374 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213368 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213363 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213357 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213351 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213346 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213340 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213335 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213329 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213324 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213318 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213313 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213307 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213301 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213296 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213290 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213285 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213279 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213274 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213268 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213263 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213257 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213251 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213246 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213240 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213235 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213229 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213224 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213218 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213213 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213207 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213201 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213196 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213190 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213185 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213179 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213174 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213168 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213163 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213157 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213151 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213146 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213140 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213135 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213129 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213124 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213118 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213113 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213107 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213101 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213096 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.213085 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213079 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213074 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213068 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.213057 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213051 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213046 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213040 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213035 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213029 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213024 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213018 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.213013 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.213001 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.212979 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.212974 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.212968 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.212963 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.212951 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.212946 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.212940 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.212935 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.212929 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.212924 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.212918 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
 242.212913 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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 242.212901 -39.096069   -6000  0.00000e+00
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