Translation from FITS for: J/A+A/646/A157/./fits/CH_PR300046_TG000101_TU2020-03-10T18-09-15_SCI_COR_Lightcurve-DEFAULT_V0000.fits

Summary of FITS file J/A+A/646/A157/fits/CH_PR300046_TG000101_TU2020-03-10T18-09-15_SCI_COR_Lightcurve-DEFAULT_V0000.fits:
--- fits/CH_PR300046_TG000101_TU2020-03-10T18-09-15_SCI_COR_Lightcurve-DEFAULT_V0000.fits      ⇩Download⇩ file
ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname
000     main  16 ()                    1b
001 BINTABLE   8 (138x983/18f)        55b SCI_COR_Lightcurve [0/137(1)] [0/982(1)]

The header of the FITS file is listed below, followed by a sample of values (limited to 1000 lines).
#--- fits/CH_PR300046_TG000101_TU2020-03-10T18-09-15_SCI_COR_Lightcurve-DEFAULT_
#ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname

#000     main  16 ()                    1b
SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                   16 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of data axes
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H

#001 BINTABLE   8 (138x983/18f)        55b SCI_COR_Lightcurve [0/137(1)] [0/982(
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / binary table extension
BITPIX  =                    8 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS   =                    2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1  =                  138 / width of table in bytes
NAXIS2  =                  983 / number of rows in table
PCOUNT  =                    0 / size of special data area
GCOUNT  =                    1 / one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS =                   18 / number of fields in each row
TTYPE1  = 'UTC_TIME'           / UTC time, middle of the measurements
TFORM1  = '26A     '           / format of field
TUNIT1  = 'TIMESYS=UTC'        / Unit of column UTC_TIME
TTYPE2  = 'MJD_TIME'           / Modified Julian Day, middle of the measurements
TFORM2  = '1D      '           / format of field
TUNIT2  = 'day     '           / Unit of column MJD_TIME
TTYPE3  = 'BJD_TIME'           / barycentric date, middle of measurements
TFORM3  = '1D      '           / format of field
TUNIT3  = 'day     '           / Unit of column BJD_TIME
TTYPE4  = 'FLUX    '           / star flux measurement, corresponding to time me
TFORM4  = '1D      '           / format of field
TUNIT4  = 'electrons'          / Unit of column FLUX
TTYPE5  = 'FLUXERR '           / error on the star flux measurement, correspondi
TFORM5  = '1D      '           / format of field
TUNIT5  = 'electrons'          / Unit of column FLUXERR
TTYPE6  = 'STATUS  '           / flags indicating the status of the measurements
TFORM6  = '1J      '           / format of field
TTYPE7  = 'EVENT   '           / flags  indicating the possible events that migh
TFORM7  = '1J      '           / format of field
TTYPE8  = 'DARK    '           / Dark light curve
TFORM8  = '1D      '           / format of field
TUNIT8  = 'electrons'          / Unit of column DARK
TTYPE9  = 'BACKGROUND'         / Background light curve
TFORM9  = '1D      '           / format of field
TUNIT9  = 'electrons'          / Unit of column BACKGROUND
TTYPE10 = 'CONTA_LC'           / Contamination rate of the target, corresponding
TFORM10 = '1D      '           / format of field
TUNIT10 = 'Hz      '           / Unit of column CONTA_LC
TTYPE11 = 'CONTA_LC_ERR'       / Contamination rate error for the target, corres
TFORM11 = '1D      '           / format of field
TUNIT11 = 'ratio   '           / Unit of column CONTA_LC_ERR
TTYPE12 = 'SMEARING_LC'        / Smearing rate of the target, corresponding to t
TFORM12 = '1D      '           / format of field
TUNIT12 = 'Hz      '           / Unit of column SMEARING_LC
TTYPE13 = 'SMEARING_LC_ERR'    / Smearing rate error for the target, correspondi
TFORM13 = '1D      '           / format of field
TUNIT13 = 'ratio   '           / Unit of column SMEARING_LC_ERR
TTYPE14 = 'ROLL_ANGLE'         / computed mean roll angle of the CCD (i.e. of th
TFORM14 = '1D      '           / format of field
TUNIT14 = 'deg     '           / Unit of column ROLL_ANGLE
TTYPE15 = 'LOCATION_X'         / intended X position of target on CCD [SOC coord
TFORM15 = '1E      '           / format of field
TUNIT15 = 'pixel   '           / Unit of column LOCATION_X
TTYPE16 = 'LOCATION_Y'         / intended Y position of target on CCD [SOC coord
TFORM16 = '1E      '           / format of field
TUNIT16 = 'pixel   '           / Unit of column LOCATION_Y
TTYPE17 = 'CENTROID_X'         / calculated X position of target on CCD [SOC coo
TFORM17 = '1E      '           / format of field
TUNIT17 = 'pixel   '           / Unit of column CENTROID_X
TTYPE18 = 'CENTROID_Y'         / calculated Y position of target on CCD [SOC coo
TFORM18 = '1E      '           / format of field
TUNIT18 = 'pixel   '           / Unit of column CENTROID_Y
DATE    = '2020-07-09T10:35:26' / creation time of this HDU
STAMP   = ' 12.0.3' / program creating this HDU
SVN_REV = '21590M  '           / svn revision of the software creating this HDU
EXTNAME = 'SCI_COR_Lightcurve' / extension name
SCHEMA  = 'SCI_COR_Lightcurve.fsd' / filename of schema defining this data struc
EXT_VER = '12.1.4  '           / version of the data structure
DATANAME= 'DEFAULT '           / data name of this light curve
DATA_LVL= 'L2      '           / Level of this data product
PROC_CHN= 'TEST    '           / Processing chain creating this data structure
          / CHEOPS Data Structure
TELESCOP= 'CHEOPS  '           / Telescope's name
INSTRUME= 'CHEOPS  '           / Instrument's name
ORIGIN  = 'SOC     '           / Processing site, creating this FITS file
ARCH_REV=                    0 / Archive revision number
PROC_NUM=                    0 / Processing Number
PIPE_VER= '12.0    '           / Pipeline version
TIMESYS = 'TT      '           / Time frame system
          / Start and Stop of Validity
V_STRT_U= '2020-03-10T18:08:54.914443' / [TIMESYS=UTC] Start of validity time in
V_STOP_U= '2020-03-11T12:29:18.724553' / [TIMESYS=UTC] End of validity time in U
V_STRT_M=     58918.7569918801 / [day] Start of validity time in MJD
V_STOP_M=      58919.521156349 / [day] End of validity time in MJD
          / Visit
PI_NAME = 'Andrea FORTIER'     / Name of the PI of the observing program
PI_UID  =                 5572 / ID of the PI
OBS_CAT = 'reference transit'  / Observation Category
PROGTYPE=                   30 / Type of the program
PROG_ID =                   46 / Program Id of this type of program
REQ_ID  =                    1 / Observation request Id of this program
VISITCTR=                    1 / Visit counter for this target
OBSID   =              1015572 / Unique identifier of a visit, defined by MPS
PRP_VST1=                 1825 / [days] Proprietary period, depending on first v
PRP_VSTN=                 1825 / [days] Proprietary period, depending on last vi
          / Target
TARGNAME= 'TESS_260647166'     / Name of the target as provided by the proposal
SPECTYPE= 'G3V     '           / Spectral type of the target as provided by the
MAG_V   =                 9.09 / [mag] Brightness of the target in GAIA band
MAG_VERR=                 0.05 / [mag] Error of brightness of the target in GAIA
MAG_CHPS=     8.97314739227295 / [mag] Brightness of the target in CHEOPS band
MAG_CERR=   0.0500000007450581 / [mag] Error of brightness of the target in CHEO
          / Exposure
T_STRT_U= '2020-03-10T18:09:15.914443' / [TIMESYS=UTC] UTC of the first measurem
T_STOP_U= '2020-03-11T12:28:57.724553' / [TIMESYS=UTC] UTC of the last measureme
T_STRT_M=     58918.7572349357 / [day] MJD of the first measurement
T_STOP_M=     58919.5209132934 / [day] MJD of the last measurement
T_STRT_B=     2458919.26038142 / [day] BJD of the first measurement
T_STOP_B=     2458920.02409643 / [day] BJD of the last measurement
NEXP    =                    1 / Number of co-added measurements
EXPTIME =                  42. / [sec] Exposure time of the individual exposures
TEXPTIME=                  42. / [ses] Total exposure time of stacked images
EXPT_TYP= 'commanded'          / Defines the type of EXPTIME and TEXPTIME, eithe
          / Target Coordinates
RA_TARG =     186.574188232422 / RA of the target at epoch of observation
DEC_TARG=    -51.3630981445312 / DEC of the target at epoch of observation
EQUINOX =                2000. / Equinox of celestial coord. system
RADESYS = 'ICRS    '           / Coordinate reference frame for the RA and DEC
          / Data Reduction Steps: N/A, completed, skipped, warning
BIAS_RON= 'completed'          / BIAS and RON estimation
ADU_CONV= 'N/A     '           / ADU to photpn conversion
DARK    = 'N/A     '           / Dark current correction
FFIELD  = 'completed'          / Flat field correction
FLAGGING= 'N/A     '           / Flagging
JITTER  = 'completed'          / Jitter estimate
WCS     = 'completed'          / Pixel to physical coordinates conversion
SMEARING= 'completed'          / Smearing correction
BDPIX_D1= 'N/A     '           / Detection of hot pixels
BDPIX_D2= 'N/A     '           / Detection of dead pixels
BDPIX_D3= 'N/A     '           / Detection of cosmic ray hits
BDPIX_D4= 'N/A     '           / Detection of crazy pixels
BDPIX_C1= 'completed'          / Correction of hot pixels
BDPIX_C2= 'N/A     '           / Correction of dead pixels
BDPIX_C3= 'N/A     '           / Correction of cosmic ray hits
BDPIX_C4= 'N/A     '           / Correction of crazy pixels
BKGSL_W = 'N/A     '           / Identification of Background and stray light wi
BKGSL_C = 'completed'          / Background and stray light correction
METH_CFG= 'N/A     '           / Method configuration module
APERTURE= 'completed'          / Aperture photometry
CONTAMIN= 'completed'          / Contaminations factor estimation
PSF_FIT = 'N/A     '           / PSF fitting
LC_QUAL = 'completed'          / Light curve quality analysis
LC_CFG  = 'N/A     '           / Light curve configuration modules
          / Used reference files
RF_FIL1 = 'CH_TU1949-12-14T00-00-00_EXT_APP_DE1_V0101.fits' / name of the refere
RF_FIL2 = 'CH_TU2018-01-01T00-00-00_REF_APP_BadPixelMap_V0102.fits' / name of th
RF_FIL3 = 'CH_TU2020-02-18T06-15-13_REF_APP_BiasFrame_V0108.fits' / name of the
RF_FIL4 = 'CH_TU2018-01-01T00-00-00_REF_APP_CCDLinearisationLUT100_V0104.fits'
RF_FIL5 = 'CH_TU2016-01-01T00-00-00_REF_APP_DarkColumns_V0101.fits' / name of th
RF_FIL6 = 'CH_TU2018-01-01T00-00-00_REF_APP_DarkFrame_V0101.fits' / name of the
RF_FIL7 = ''
RF_FIL8 = 'CH_TU2020-01-29T00-00-00_REF_APP_FluxConversion_V0105.fits' / name of
RF_FIL9 = 'CH_TU2020-02-18T06-15-13_REF_APP_GainCorrection_V0109.fits' / name of
RF_FIL10= 'CH_TU2018-00-00T00-00-00_REF_APP_Limits-ScienceHk_V0101.fits' / name
RF_FIL11= 'CH_TU2010-01-01T00-00-00_REF_APP_ObtReset_V0101.fits' / name of the r
RF_FIL12= 'CH_TU2016-01-01T00-00-00_REF_APP_PixelScale_V0101.fits' / name of the
RF_FIL13= 'CH_TU2018-01-01T00-00-00_REF_APP_ReadOut_V0101.fits' / name of the re
RF_FIL14= 'CH_TU2016-01-01T00-00-00_REF_APP_VisitConstraints_V0101.fits' / name
RF_FIL15= 'CH_TU2020-01-29T00-00-00_REF_APP_WhitePSF_V0106.fits' / name of the r
RF_FIL16= 'N/A     '           / name of the reference file
RF_FIL17= 'N/A     '           / name of the reference file
RF_FIL18= 'N/A     '           / name of the reference file
RF_FIL19= 'N/A     '           / name of the reference file
RF_FIL20= 'N/A     '           / name of the reference file
          / Target angles
B_SUN_A =     123.265498352418 / [deg] Angle between sun and target at beginning
B_MOON_A=     53.9400223579357 / [deg] Angle between moon and target at beginnin
B_EART_A=                   0. / [deg] Angle between earth limb and target at be
E_SUN_A =     123.694265137728 / [deg] Angle between sun and target at end of vi
E_MOON_A=     49.2412480732078 / [deg] Angle between moon and target at end of v
E_EART_A=                   0. / [deg] Angle between earth limb and target at en
          / Quality criteria
ROBMEAN =               409590 / [photons/s] robust mean of the light-curve
MEDIAN  =               409573 / [photons/s] median of the light-curve divided b
ROBSTD  =     960.295027409933 / [ppt] median of the light-curve divided by robu
MAD     =     354.815493279581 / [ppt] median absolute deviation of light-curve
P2PSTD  =     4972.56052107523 / [ppt] point to point robust standard deviation
CDPP2_5 =     207.079804645972 / [ppm] Quasi-Combined Differential Photometric P
CDPP6_5 =     145.689477287733 / [ppm] Quasi-Combined Differential Photometric P
VALIDPTS=                   0. / [percentage] percentage of valid photometric po
          / Light curve attributes
AP_RADI =                  25. / [pixel] Aperture radius used on the photometry
AP_TYPE = 'R25     '           / Description of the used aperture, for example o
CHECKSUM= 'PYd3QYb2PYb2PYb2'   / HDU checksum updated 2020-07-09T10:35:34
DATASUM = '64316804'           / data unit checksum updated 2020-07-09T10:35:34