Contents of: J/AJ/118/1684/./table2.dat

The following document lists the file table2.dat from catalogue J/AJ/118/1684.
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## (from tabmap V6.0 (2016-08-18)) 2024-05-13T02:54:26
#-- J/AJ/118/1684 UBV photometry of 4 LMC compact OB groups (Walborn+, 1999)
#---Table: J/AJ/118/1684/./table2.dat Observed and derived parameters for the components of NGC 2044 West  (38 records)
#     Label Format Unit  Explanations
#       Seq I2     ---   Sequential number (1)
#      Xpos F6.2   pix   X position (1)
#      Ypos F6.2   pix   Y position (1)
#      Vmag F5.2   mag   HST/WFPC F569W V magnitude
#    n_Vmag A1     ---   [e] discrepant photometry (2)
#       B-V F5.2   mag   ? B-V colour index (F439W-F569W)
#       U-B F5.2   mag   ? U-B colour index (F336W-F439W)
#    E(B-V) F5.2   mag   ? B-V colour excess
#  n_E(B-V) A1     ---   [ce] discrepant photometry (2)
#     logTe F5.3   [K]   ? Effective temperature
#      Mbol F6.2   mag   ? Bolometric magnitude
#        BC F5.2   mag   ? Bolometric correction
#    SpType A15    ---   MK spectral type (3)
#  n_SpType A1     ---   [d] Note (3)
#        ID A15    ---   Alternate ID (4)
#Note (1): Running number and detector coordinates from the present photometry,
#          to be presented in full by Parker et al. in a subsequent paper.
# * In table1: <Brey 73 NN> in Simbad
# * In table2: <NGC 2044W NN> in Simbad
# * In table3: <LH 10-3209 NN> in Simbad
# * In table4: <HD 32228 NN> in Simbad
#Note (2): Notes as follows:
#   c = The colors for these components were discrepant, so the average
#       color excess of the other spectroscopically classified
#       components was adopted instead
#   e = The photometry for this component was discrepant, so the magnitude
#       difference from component C in the V deconvolution and the average
#       color excess of the other components were adopted for it instead.
#Note (3): Spectroscopy from HST Faint Object Spectrograph, unless
#   d = Spectral type from Schild & Testor (1992A&AS...92..729S) or
#       Heydari-Malayeri et al. (1993A&A...278...11H)
#Note (4): Alternative IDs refer to:
# * Table1: 
#   Tes = Testor et al. (1988Msngr..54...43T) with letters added
#         here to the numbers to denote subsequently resolved components.
# * Table2: 
#   H-M =  Heydari-Malayeri et al. (1993 A&A...278...11H) with letters 
#          added here to the numbers to denote subsequently resolved
#         components.
# * Table3: See fig. 9 of the paper
# * Table4: 
#   Sch = Schertl et al. (1995A&A...302..327S)
#   H-M = Heydari-Malayeri et al. (1983A&A...118..116H)
#   with arabic numerals added here to the letters to denote
#   subsequently resolved components.
  |      |      |     | |     |     |     |n|     |      |     |               |n|
  |      |      |     | |     |     |     |_|     |      |     |               |_|
  |      |      |     |n|     |     |     |E|     |      |     |               |S|
  |      |      |     |_|     |     |     |(|     |      |     |               |p|
  |      |      |     |V|     |     |     |B|     |      |     |               |T|
  |      |      |     |m|     |     |     |-|     |      |     |               |y|
 S|      |      |     |a|     |     |    E|V|     |      |     |               |p|
eq|  Xpos|  Ypos| Vmag|g|  B-V|  U-B|(B-V)|)|logTe|  Mbol|   BC|SpType         |e|ID
36|154.69|174.32|13.09| | 0.02|-0.93|     | |     |      |     |WN7            | |Brey 65
40|157.79|241.41|13.42| |     |     | 0.36| |4.678|-10.61|-4.35|O4 If+         | |H-M 9A
24|131.03|201.21|13.96| |     |     | 0.36| |4.476| -8.76|-3.03|B0 I           | |H-M 5Aa
35|154.70|227.01|14.01| | 0.01|-1.03| 0.33| |4.683| -9.97|-4.39|O4 III         | |H-M 7
13|112.79|180.69|14.14| | 0.04|-0.92| 0.35| |4.585| -9.21|-3.69|O8 V           | |H-M 6
42|162.21|217.85|14.30| | 0.01|-0.88| 0.32| |4.569| -8.84|-3.58|O8 III         | |H-M 8
26|132.13|199.62|14.45| | 0.06|-0.75| 0.36| |4.438| -8.04|-2.81|               | |H-M 5B
27|133.74|197.54|14.59| | 0.01|-0.53|     | |     |      |     |WN4(h)         | |H-M 5C
23|130.83|200.29|14.84| |-0.02|-1.14| 0.36| |4.667| -9.12|-4.28|               | |H-M 5Ab
41|160.60|239.39|14.88| |-0.01|-0.13| 0.36| |4.034| -5.21|-0.41|               | |H-M 9B
 1| 58.88|207.25|15.00| | 0.09|-0.84| 0.36| |4.537| -8.03|-3.35|               | |
29|135.41|237.25|15.15| | 0.09|-0.74| 0.41| |4.599| -8.48|-3.79|O7.5 V         | |H-M 11A
 8|100.32|221.51|15.21| | 0.08|-0.87| 0.40| |4.652| -8.76|-4.17|O5.5 V         | |H-M 20
33|145.55|193.95|15.32| | 0.04|-0.90| 0.35| |4.555| -7.81|-3.48|O9 V           | |H-M 3
28|134.62|200.39|15.39| | 0.51|-1.05| 0.36| |3.913| -4.27| 0.02|               | |H-M 5E
16|120.21|246.67|15.40| | 0.13|-0.83| 0.36| |4.555| -7.76|-3.48|               | |
 9|101.94|204.22|15.42| | 0.03|-0.86| 0.36| |4.516| -7.46|-3.20|               | |
39|157.18|238.34|15.68| | 0.66| 0.17| 0.36| |3.856| -3.94| 0.06|               | |
30|136.70|236.23|15.77| | 0.14| 0.21| 0.36| |4.315| -5.99|-2.08|               | |H-M 11B
45|176.86|264.93|15.88| |-0.02|-0.80| 0.36| |4.432| -6.57|-2.77|               | |
20|126.57|199.87|15.91| | 0.19|-1.16| 0.36| |4.204| -5.19|-1.42|               | |H-M 5D
34|153.51|198.74|16.38| |-0.08|-0.71| 0.36| |4.326| -5.44|-2.14|               | |
43|165.74|265.81|16.41| | 0.25|-0.78| 0.36| |4.072| -3.91|-0.64|               | |
 7| 92.10|201.15|16.77| |-0.06|-0.43| 0.36| |4.154| -4.03|-1.12|               | |
25|131.59|216.87|16.79| |-0.14|-0.74| 0.36| |4.316| -4.98|-2.08|               | |
44|166.39|235.85|16.88| | 0.08|-0.88| 0.36| |4.568| -6.37|-3.57|               | |
37|156.51|286.85|16.90| | 0.67|-1.24| 0.36| |3.853| -2.72| 0.06|               | |
 3| 80.34|224.85|16.97| | 0.04|-0.77| 0.36| |4.443| -5.54|-2.83|               | |
14|113.16|209.92|17.00| | 0.01|-0.70| 0.36| |4.368| -5.07|-2.39|               | |
31|139.30|215.80|17.05| | 0.16|-0.78| 0.36| |4.528| -5.92|-3.29|               | |
22|129.73|263.86|17.34| |-0.13|-0.08| 0.36| |4.910| -8.33|-5.99|               | |
38|156.60|286.17|17.42| | 0.26|-0.44| 0.36| |4.307| -4.29|-2.03|               | |
21|129.73|252.95|17.54| | 0.00|-0.76| 0.36| |4.410| -4.78|-2.64|               | |
19|126.38|307.92|17.60| | 0.43|-0.47| 0.36| |3.954| -2.15|-0.07|               | |
12|110.68|294.95|17.68| | 0.34|-0.73| 0.36| |3.874| -1.94| 0.06|               | |
17|120.58|207.32|17.74| | 0.21|-1.05| 0.36| |4.160| -3.10|-1.16|               | |
10|104.43|216.00|18.16| | 0.05|-0.21| 0.36| |4.083| -2.23|-0.70|               | |
18|125.87|218.97|18.23| |-0.35|-0.91| 0.36| |4.330| -3.62|-2.17|               | |