Translation from FITS for: J/ApJS/258/39/./fits/hlsp_iris_kepler_kepler_kplr002437297-stitched_kepler_v1.0_lc.fits

Summary of FITS file J/ApJS/258/39/fits/hlsp_iris_kepler_kepler_kplr002437297-stitched_kepler_v1.0_lc.fits:
--- fits/hlsp_iris_kepler_kepler_kplr002437297-stitched_kepler_v1.0_lc.fits      ⇩Download⇩ file
ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname
000     main   8 ()                    2b
001 BINTABLE   8 (24x59004/3f)       494b [0/23(1)] [0/59003(1)]

The header of the FITS file is listed below, followed by a sample of values (limited to 1000 lines).
#--- fits/hlsp_iris_kepler_kepler_kplr002437297-stitched_kepler_v1.0_lc.fits
#ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname

#000     main   8 ()                    2b
SIMPLE  =                    T / conforms to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                    8 / array data type
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of array dimensions
EXTEND  =                    T
WCAX4   =                    2 / Number of coordinate axes
1CRPX4  =      65.340880791669 / Pixel coordinate of reference point
2CRPX4  =      9.8957637951992 / Pixel coordinate of reference point
11PC4   =    -0.83298146884107 / Coordinate transformation matrix element
12PC4   =    -0.54520851898617 / Coordinate transformation matrix element
21PC4   =     0.54955481918015 / Coordinate transformation matrix element
22PC4   =    -0.84080865797353 / Coordinate transformation matrix element
1CDLT4  =   -0.001099730100258 / [deg] Coordinate increment at reference point
2CDLT4  =    0.001099730100258 / [deg] Coordinate increment at reference point
1CUNI4  = 'deg'                / Units of coordinate increment and value
2CUNI4  = 'deg'                / Units of coordinate increment and value
1CTYP4  = 'RA---TAN'           / Right ascension, gnomonic projection
2CTYP4  = 'DEC--TAN'           / Declination, gnomonic projection
1CRVL4  =      290.19699812577 / [deg] Coordinate value at reference point
2CRVL4  =      37.754182544853 / [deg] Coordinate value at reference point
LONP4   =                180.0 / [deg] Native longitude of celestial pole
LATP4   =      37.754182544853 / [deg] Native latitude of celestial pole
RADE4   = 'ICRS'               / Equatorial coordinate system
HLSPTARG= 'KIC 2437297'        / HLSP target identifier
HLSPID  = 'IRIS    '           / HLPS collection identifier
HLSPLEAD= 'Isabel Colman'      / HLSP project lead
LICENSE = 'CC BY 4.0'          / license for use of these data
LICENURL= '' / data license URL
KEPLERID=              2437297 / unique Kepler target identifier
QUARTER = '' / Observing quarter
CLUSTER = 'NGC 6791'           / cluster superstamp on which target falls
RA_OBJ  =           290.215899 / [deg] right ascension
DEC_OBJ =             37.76753 / [deg] declination
RADESYS = 'ICRS    '           / check description of RADE4
EQUINOX =               2000.0 / equinox of the celestial coordinate system
FILTER  = 'Kepler  '           / name of filter used to define passband
XPOSURE =                 1800 / [s] cadence of exposure
TELESCOP= 'Kepler  '           / telescope
INSTRUME= 'Kepler Photometer'  / detector type
DATE-BEG= '2009-05-13T00:01:07.136' / start of observation as UTC calendar date
DATE-END= '2013-05-11T12:16:22.281' / end of observation as UTC calendar date
TIMESYS = 'TDB     '           / time system is barycentric JD
TSTART  =     2454964.50250262 / observation start time in BJD
TSTOP   =     2456424.01178289 / observation stop time in BJD
TELAPSE =        1416.08840573 / [d] time elapsed between start and end of obser
EXPOSURE=          24.45680386 / [d] total time on source

#001 BINTABLE   8 (24x59004/3f)       494b [0/23(1)] [0/59003(1)]
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / binary table extension
BITPIX  =                    8 / array data type
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of array dimensions
NAXIS1  =                   24 / length of dimension 1
NAXIS2  =                59004 / length of dimension 2
PCOUNT  =                    0 / number of group parameters
GCOUNT  =                    1 / number of groups
TFIELDS =                    3 / number of table fields
TFORM1  = 'K       '
TTYPE2  = 'TIME    '
TFORM2  = 'D       '
TFORM3  = 'D       '
TUNIT2  = 'BJD - 2454833'      / column units: barycenter corrected JD
TUNIT3  = 'e-/s    '           / column units: electrons per second