Contents of: J/MNRAS/423/1503/./tableb3.dat

The following document lists the file tableb3.dat from catalogue J/MNRAS/423/1503.
Also available: plain copy of the file with f77 program to read file into arrays or line by line
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## (from tabmap V6.0 (2016-08-18)) 2024-05-08T06:31:19
#-- J/MNRAS/423/1503 RV curves of WASP-16, 25 and 31 (Brown+, 2012)
#---Table: J/MNRAS/423/1503/./tableb3.dat Radial velocity data for WASP-16, for the second transit obtained using the HARPS high-precision echelle spectrograph on the night of 2011 May 12  (35 records)
#     Label Format Unit  Explanations
#       HJD F11.6  d     Heliocentric Julian date (HJD-2450000)
#      Texp I4     s     Exposure time
#        RV F8.5   km/s  Radial velocity
#      e_RV F7.5   km/s  rms uncertainty on RV
#      Note A1     ---   [*] * for point omitted from the analysis
#                         (see text for details)
           |    |        |       |N
           |    |        |       |o
           |    |        |       |t
        HJD|Texp|      RV|   e_RV|e
5685.845943| 900|-2.02724|0.00305|
5687.838150| 900|-1.79259|0.00383|
5692.662149| 900|-1.99841|0.00380|
5692.796210| 900|-1.96847|0.00309|
5693.517817| 900|-1.81013|0.00298|
5693.800775| 900|-1.78196|0.00285|
5694.581176| 600|-1.88349|0.00344|
5694.588340| 600|-1.88597|0.00302|
5694.595389| 600|-1.88670|0.00310|
5694.602900| 600|-1.88871|0.00305|
5694.610180| 600|-1.89619|0.00290|
5694.616904| 500|-1.89308|0.00323|
5694.623386| 500|-1.88547|0.00323|
5694.629531| 500|-1.89159|0.00309|
5694.635631| 500|-1.89935|0.00312|
5694.641904| 500|-1.89371|0.00307|
5694.648003| 500|-1.89694|0.00318|
5694.654149| 500|-1.91191|0.00298|
5694.660364| 500|-1.91005|0.00311|
5694.666406| 500|-1.91009|0.00300|
5694.672609| 500|-1.91343|0.00311|
5694.678824| 500|-1.91547|0.00327|
5694.684924| 500|-1.91384|0.00313|
5694.691070| 500|-1.91484|0.00330|
5694.697227| 500|-1.91701|0.00308|
5694.703373| 500|-1.91926|0.00308|
5694.709460| 500|-1.91211|0.00335|
5694.715664| 500|-1.91534|0.00353|
5694.721821| 500|-1.91948|0.00349|
5694.727979| 500|-1.92566|0.00346|
5694.734078| 500|-1.92109|0.00367|
5694.740351| 500|-1.92435|0.00377|
5694.746612| 500|-1.91926|0.00364|
5694.752596| 500|-1.93024|0.00354|
5695.501446| 900|-2.03120|0.00281|