Complement to J/ApJ/639/816

Source FLAMEX cetus 3401 (cetus #66383)

                        J-band           Ks-band
         Seq                                     ---    ? Galaxy identification number (GALAXY_ID) (only in the Bootes field)
       Field C_r2d4            C_r2d4            ---    Survey subfield identification code B_xxxx (Bootes) or C_xxx (Cetus) (SUBFIELD)
      Number              3401              3401 ---    Running object number (NUMBER) in Subfield
       Xpeak               148               148 pix    x-coordinate of the brightest pixel (XPEAK_IMAGE)
       Ypeak              3314              3314 pix    y-coordinate of the brightest pixel (YPEAK_IMAGE)
      Ximage           147.274           147.274 pix    Object position along x (X_IMAGE)
      Yimage          3314.670          3314.670 pix    Object position along y (Y_IMAGE)
       RAdeg        34.4227056        34.4227540 deg    Right ascension of brightest pix (J2000) (ALPHAPEAK_J2000)
       DEdeg        -5.1018601        -5.1018280 deg    Declination of brightest pix (J2000) (DELTAPEAK_J2000)
       Flags                 2                 2 ---    Sexctractor extraction flags (FLAGS)
        FWHM              9.20              9.20 pix    FWHM assuming a gaussian core (FWHM_IMAGE)
       Frad1            12.637             2.043 pix    Fraction-of-light radius (FLUX_RADIUS)
       Frad2            20.218             2.853 pix    Fraction-of-light radius (FLUX_RADIUS)
       Frad3            22.746             3.072 pix    Fraction-of-light radius (FLUX_RADIUS)
      magISO           99.0000           19.9824 mag    ?=99.9999 Isophotal magnitude (MAG_ISO)
   magISOCOR           99.0000           19.6752 mag    ?=99.9999 Corrected isophotal magnitude (MAG_ISOCOR)
     magAuto           99.0000           20.3098 mag    ?=99.9999 Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude (MAG_AUTO)
     magBest           99.0000           20.3098 mag    ?=99.9999 Best of MAG_AUTO and MAG_ISOCOR (MAG_BEST)
    magAp1.5           99.0000           20.7877 mag    ?=99.9999 Fixed aperture (1.5") magnitude vector (MAG_APER)
      magAp2           99.0000           20.3054 mag    ?=99.9999 Fixed aperture (2") magnitude vector (MAG_APER)
    magAp2.5           99.0000           20.1471 mag    ?=99.9999 Fixed aperture (1.5") magnitude vector (MAG_APER)
      magAp3           99.0000           20.1457 mag    ?=99.9999 Fixed aperture (3") magnitude vector (MAG_APER)
      magAp4           99.0000           20.4710 mag    ?=99.9999 Fixed aperture (4") magnitude vector (MAG_APER)
      magAp5           99.0000           20.6791 mag    ?=99.9999 Fixed aperture (5") magnitude vector (MAG_APER)
      magAp6           99.0000           22.0682 mag    ?=99.9999 Fixed aperture (6") magnitude vector (MAG_APER)
      magAp7           99.0000           99.9999 mag    ?=99.9999 Fixed aperture (7") magnitude vector (MAG_APER)
      magAp8           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 Fixed aperture (8") magnitude vector (MAG_APER)
      magAp9           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 Fixed aperture (9") magnitude vector (MAG_APER)
     magAp10           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 Fixed aperture (10") magnitude vector (MAG_APER)
     magAp15           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 Fixed aperture (15") magnitude vector (MAG_APER)
     magAp20           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 Fixed aperture (20") magnitude vector (MAG_APER)
    e_magISO           99.0000            0.0961 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error for isophotal magnitude (MAGERR_ISO)
 e_magISOCOR           99.0000            0.1007 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error for corrected isophotal magnitude (MAGERR_ISOCOR)
   e_magAuto           99.0000            0.2396 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error for AUTO magnitude (MAGERR_AUTO)
   e_magBest           99.0000            0.2396 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error for MAG_BEST (MAGERR_BEST)
  e_magAp1.5           99.0000            0.1685 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error vector for fixed aperture mag (MAGERR_APER)
    e_magAp2           99.0000            0.1443 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error vector for fixed aperture mag (MAGERR_APER)
  e_magAp2.5           99.0000            0.1559 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error vector for fixed aperture mag (MAGERR_APER)
    e_magAp3           99.0000            0.1871 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error vector for fixed aperture mag (MAGERR_APER)
    e_magAp4           99.0000            0.3374 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error vector for fixed aperture mag (MAGERR_APER)
    e_magAp5           99.0000            0.5111 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error vector for fixed aperture mag (MAGERR_APER)
    e_magAp6           99.0000            2.2045 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error vector for fixed aperture mag (MAGERR_APER)
    e_magAp7           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error vector for fixed aperture mag (MAGERR_APER)
    e_magAp8           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error vector for fixed aperture mag (MAGERR_APER)
    e_magAp9           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error vector for fixed aperture mag (MAGERR_APER)
   e_magAp10           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error vector for fixed aperture (MAGERR_APER)
   e_magAp15           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error vector for fixed aperture (MAGERR_APER)
   e_magAp20           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 RMS error vector for fixed aperture (MAGERR_APER)
       Fauto          -6.40116           63.2955 ct/s   Flux within a Kron-like elliptical aperture (FLUX_AUTO)
     e_Fauto         10.4745           13.9662   ct/s   ?=99.9999 RMS error for AUTO flux (FLUXERR_AUTO)
       rKron              0.00              3.50 ---    Kron aperture radius in units of A or B (KRON_RADIUS)
       Backg          0.799541          0.400609 ct     Background counts at centroid position (BACKGROUND)
      Thresh           1.44824           1.44824 ct     Detection threshold above background (THRESHOLD)
        Fmax           2.39471       6.9407      ct/s   Peak flux above background (FLUX_MAX)
        Area                 6                18 pix2   Isophotal area above Analysis threshold (ISOAREA_IMAGE)
         X2i      1.840189e+00      1.840189e+00 pix2   Variance along x (X2_IMAGE)
         Y2i      4.282186e+00      4.282186e+00 pix2   Variance along y (Y2_IMAGE)
         XYi      1.519237e+00      1.519237e+00 pix2   Covariance between x and y (XY_IMAGE)
         X2w      1.305157e-08      1.306010e-08 deg2   Variance along X-WORLD (alpha) (X2_WORLD)
         Y2w      3.053307e-08      3.053020e-08 deg2   Variance along Y-WORLD (delta) (Y2_WORLD)
         XYw      1.070079e-08      1.070746e-08 deg2   Covariance between X-WORLD and Y-WORLD (XY_WORLD)
        CXXi      7.685256e-01      7.685256e-01 pix-2  Cxx parameter of object ellipse (CXX_IMAGE)
        CYYi      3.302594e-01      3.302594e-01 pix-2  Cyy parameter of object ellipse (CYY_IMAGE)
        CXYi     -5.453163e-01     -5.453163e-01 pix-2  Cxy parameter of object ellipse (CXY_IMAGE)
        CXXw      3.053307e-02      3.053020e-02 deg-2  Cxx parameter of object ellipse (CXX_WORLD)
        CYYw      1.305157e-02      1.306010e-02 deg-2  Cyy parameter of object ellipse (CYY_WORLD)
        CXYw     -2.140137e-02     -2.141472e-02 deg-2  Cxy parameter of object ellipse (CXY_WORLD)
       CXXie           54.3959           54.3959 pix-2  Cxx parameter of error ellipse (ERRCXX_IMAGE)
       CYYie           23.7925           23.7925 pix-2  Cyy parameter of error ellipse (ERRCYY_IMAGE)
       CXYie          -38.0268          -38.0268 pix-2  Cxy parameter of error ellipse (ERRCXY_IMAGE)
       CXXwe       0.000415834       0.000415794 deg-2  Cxx parameter of error ellipse (ERRCXX_WORLD)
       CYYwe        0.00018095       0.000181067 deg-2  Cyy parameter of error ellipse (ERRCYY_WORLD)
       CXYwe      -0.000287138      -0.000287319 deg-2  Cxy parameter of error ellipse (ERRCXY_WORLD)
          Aw       0.000188704       0.000188716 deg    Profile RMS along major axis (A_WORLD)
          Bw        8.9305e-05       8.93121e-05 deg    Profile RMS along minor axis (B_WORLD)
        e_Aw       2.19972e-05       2.19986e-05 deg    World RMS position error along major axis (ERRA_WORLD)
        e_Bw       1.06257e-05       1.06266e-05 deg    World RMS position error along minor axis (ERRB_WORLD)
         PAw              64.6              64.6 deg    [-90,90] Position angle (CCW/world-x) (THETA_WORLD)
          PA            -25.38            -25.40 deg    [-90,90] Position angle (east of north) (J2000) (THETA_J2000)
       e_PAw              64.6              64.6 deg    [-90,90] Error ellipse pos. angle (CCW/world-x) (ERRTHETA_WORLD)
        e_PA             -25.4             -25.4 deg    [-90,90] J2000 error ellipse pos. angle (east of north) (ERRTHETA_J2000)
       Elong             2.123             2.123 ---    Elongation, a/b (ELONGATION)
         Ell             0.529             0.529 ---    Ellipicity, 1-b/a (ELLIPTICITY)
         Exp   0.343212024627    0.597444165448  ---    Relative exposure weight (EXPOSURE)
  e_magAutoS           99.0000            2.7751 mag    ?=99.9999 From simulations (MAGERR_AUTO)
 e_magAp1.5s           99.0000            0.3122 mag    ?=99.9999 From simulations (MAGERR_APER)
   e_magAp2s           99.0000            0.2865 mag    ?=99.9999 From simulations (MAGERR_APER)
 e_magAp2.5s           99.0000            0.3317 mag    ?=99.9999 From simulations (MAGERR_APER)
   e_magAp3s           99.0000            0.4504 mag    ?=99.9999 From simulations (MAGERR_APER)
   e_magAp4s           99.0000            0.8778 mag    ?=99.9999 From simulations (MAGERR_APER)
   e_magAp5s           99.0000            1.4384 mag    ?=99.9999 From simulations (MAGERR_APER)
   e_magAp6s           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 From simulations (MAGERR_APER)
   e_magAp7s           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 From simulations (MAGERR_APER)
   e_magAp8s           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 From simulations (MAGERR_APER)
   e_magAp9s           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 From simulations (MAGERR_APER)
  e_magAp10s           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 From simulations (MAGERR_APER)
  e_magAp15s           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 From simulations (MAGERR_APER)
  e_magAp20s           99.0000           99.0000 mag    ?=99.9999 From simulations (MAGERR_APER)
    magAutoS             20.05             18.93 mag    50% completeness limit (MAG_AUTO)
   magAutoS4             20.57             19.49 mag    4" 50% completeness limit (MAG_AUTO)
   magAutoS5             20.24             19.30 mag    5" 50% completeness limit (MAG_AUTO)
   magAutoS6             20.13             19.17 mag    6" 50% completeness limit (MAG_AUTO)
   magAutoS7             20.07             19.10 mag    7" 50% completeness limit (MAG_AUTO)
   magAutoS8             20.03             19.05 mag    8" 50% completeness limit (MAG_AUTO)
   magAutoS9             20.10             19.01 mag    9" 50% completeness limit (MAG_AUTO)
  magAutoS10             20.02             18.99 mag    10" 50% completeness limit (MAG_AUTO)
  magAutoS15             20.06             18.93 mag    15" 50% completeness limit (MAG_AUTO)
  magAutoS20             20.04             18.91 mag    20" 50% completeness limit (MAG_AUTO)
       Proba 1.92251081721e-08  0.00625204919261 ---    Computed object detection probability (from 6" magnitude and limit)
  (from tabmap)p)