We propose to obtain 6.7 and 15 microns ISOCAM and 90 microns ISOPHOT observations of a sample of 5-6 compact groups of galaxies selected for their diffuse X-ray emission. The presence of X-ray emission insures the real physical association of these compact groups. We also include one compact group without X-ray emission, for comparison. Because of their density and compactness, these compact groups are priviledged laboratories for studying dynamical interactions such as merging and tidal encounters that can produce IR emission. These CGs possess comprehensive multi-wavelength studies including substantial X-ray data which will complement the proposed IR observation. ISOCAM with its superior sensitivity and spatial resolution as compared to IRAS will allow us to better study the MIR properties of CG galaxies, while ISOPHOT will allow to measure (or put constraints) on both the FIR emission from the galaxies and from the intra-group medium. With these two types of observations, we can study the star formation in the galaxies of the groups. Diffuse FIR emission as well as the iron abundance in the intra-group medium are indicators of the past star formation activity while the MIR and FIR emission of the galaxies probe present star formation. The IR properties of CG galaxies can be compared with those of field and cluster galaxies to determine the effect of environment on galaxy evolution.