Translation from FITS for: J/A+A/561/A2/./sp/

Summary of FITS file J/A+A/561/A2/sp/
--- sp/      ⇩Download⇩ file
ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname
000     main -32 (24317)              53b [Wavelength=533.66/1019.98(0.02)angstroms]

The header of the FITS file is listed below, followed by a sample of values (limited to 1000 lines).
#--- sp/
#ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname

#000     main -32 (24317)              53b [Wavelength=533.66/1019.98(0.02)angst
SIMPLE  =                    T / Fits standard
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Bits per pixel
NAXIS   =                    1 / Number of axes
NAXIS1  =                24317 / Axis length
EXTEND  =                    T / File may contain extensions
IRAF-TLM= '2012-11-23T15:29:20' / Time of last modification
CRPIX1  =                   1. / Reference pixel
CRVAL1  =               533.66 / Coordinate at reference pixel
CDELT1  =                 0.02 / Coord. incr. per pixel (original value)
CTYPE1  = 'PIXEL           '   / Units of coordinate
BUNIT   = '                '   / Units of data values
DATAMAX =         2.730469E-11 / Maximum data value
DATAMIN =         1.175494E-38 / Minimum data value
ORIGIN  = 'ESO-MIDAS'          / Written by MIDAS
DATE    = '2012-07-13T09:12:59' /  [UTC] Date of writing
FILENAME= 'flux_Sz88A_VIS_corr_phot.fits' / Original file base-name
MIDASFTP= 'IMAGE   '           / MIDAS File Type
OBJECT  = 'Sz88    '           / MIDAS desc.: IDENT(1)
RA      =           241.752786 / MIDAS desc.: O_POS(1)
DEC     =            -39.03808 / MIDAS desc.: O_POS(2)
EQUINOX =                2000. / MIDAS desc.: O_POS(3)
DATE-OBS= '2012-04-18'         / MIDAS desc.: O_TIME(1)
MJD-OBS =        56035.3342099 / MIDAS desc.: O_TIME(4)
TM-START=       28875.73553289 / MIDAS desc.: O_TIME(5)
EXPTIME =                 250. / MIDAS desc.: O_TIME(7)
COMMENT NOST 100-2.0: Hanisch,R. et al. 2001, Astron. & Astrophys. 376, 559
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astron
COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..35
COMMENT ITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astro
COMMENT nd Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..3
COMMENT TS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astr
COMMENT d Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..
COMMENT S (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Ast
COMMENT Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376.
COMMENT (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'As
COMMENT strophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376
COMMENT Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'A
COMMENT trophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...37
COMMENT lexible Image Transport System) format is defined in '
COMMENT rophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...3
COMMENT exible Image Transport System) format is defined in
COMMENT ophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...
COMMENT xible Image Transport System) format is defined i
COMMENT physics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A..
COMMENT ible Image Transport System) format is defined
COMMENT hysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A.
COMMENT ble Image Transport System) format is define
COMMENT ysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A
COMMENT le Image Transport System) format is defin
COMMENT sics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&
COMMENT e Image Transport System) format is defi
COMMENT ics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A
COMMENT Image Transport System) format is def
COMMENT cs', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001
COMMENT mage Transport System) format is de
COMMENT s', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 200
TELESCOP= 'ESO-VLT-U2'         / MIDAS desc.: TELESCOP(1)
RADECSYS= 'FK5     '           / MIDAS desc.: RADECSYS(1)
OBSERVER= 'UNKNOWN '           / MIDAS desc.: OBSERVER(1)
CD1_1   =                 0.02
CD2_2   =                   1.
UTC     =               28871. / 08:01:11.000 UTC at start
LST     =             61615.71 / 17:06:55.710 LST at start
PI-COI  = 'UNKNOWN '           / PI-COI name.
CHECKSUM= 'ZaObZaMZZaMbZaMZ'   / HDU checksum updated 2012-04-18T08:07:02
DATASUM = '190275691'          / data unit checksum updated 2012-04-18T08:07:02
DATAMD5 = '8406b35ca1d72b8f22916020154edf7c' / MD5 checksum
PIPEFILE= 'SCI_SLIT_FLUX_MERGE2D_VIS.fits' / Filename of data product
BANDID1 = 'spectrum - background none, weights none, clean no'
APNUM1  = '1 1 44.02 56.02'
APNUM2  = '2 2 56.61 64.61'
WCSDIM  =                    2
LTM1_1  =                   1.
LTM2_2  =                   1.
WAT0_001= 'system=equispec'
WAT1_001= 'wtype=linear label=Wavelength units=angstroms'
WAT2_001= 'wtype=linear'
WAXMAP01= '1 0 0 0 '
HIERARCH ESO OBS AIRM  =         5. / Req. max. airmass
HIERARCH ESO OBS AMBI FWHM     =         2. / Req. max. seeing
HIERARCH ESO OBS AMBI TRANS    = '2CLR    ' / Req. sky transparency
HIERARCH ESO OBS ATM   = 'NATM    ' / Req. Atmospheric Turbulence Model
HIERARCH ESO OBS CONTAINER ID  =       -999 / Scheduling container ID
HIERARCH ESO OBS CONTAINER TYPE= 'U       ' / Scheduling container type
HIERARCH ESO OBS EXECTIME      =       1292 / Expected execution time
HIERARCH ESO OBS GRP   = '0       ' / linked blocks
HIERARCH ESO OBS ID    =  200230090 / Observation block ID
HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON DIST     =         30 / Req. min. angular dist. from moon
HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON FLI      =         1. / Req. max. fractional lunar illum.
HIERARCH ESO OBS NAME  = 'Sz88    ' / OB name
HIERARCH ESO OBS PI-COI ID     =          0 / ESO internal PI-COI ID
HIERARCH ESO OBS PROG ID       = '089.C-0143(A)' / ESO program identification
HIERARCH ESO OBS START = '2012-04-18T07:56:50' / OB start time
HIERARCH ESO OBS STREHLRATIO   =         0. / Req. strehl ratio
HIERARCH ESO OBS TARG NAME     = 'Sz88    ' / OB target name
HIERARCH ESO OBS TPLNO =          2 / Template number within OB
HIERARCH ESO OBS TWILIGHT      =          0 / Req. twilight
HIERARCH ESO OBS WATERVAPOUR   =         0. / Req. water vapour
HIERARCH ESO TPL DID   = 'ESO-VLT-DIC.TPL-1.9' / Data dictionary for TPL
HIERARCH ESO TPL EXPNO =          2 / Exposure number within template
HIERARCH ESO TPL ID    = 'XSHOOTER_slt_obs_AutoNodOnSlit' / Template signa
HIERARCH ESO TPL NAME  = 'XSHOOTER observations with AutoNodOnSlit offset'
HIERARCH ESO TPL NEXP  =          6 / Number of exposures within templat
HIERARCH ESO TPL PRESEQ= 'XSHOOTER_obs_AutoNodOnSlit.seq' / Sequencer scri
HIERARCH ESO TPL START = '2012-04-18T08:00:39' / TPL start time
HIERARCH ESO TPL VERSION       = '$Revision: 213208 $' / Version of the template
HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM END      =      1.063 / Airmass at end
HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM START    =      1.058 / Airmass at start
HIERARCH ESO TEL ALT   =     70.931 / Alt angle at start
HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI FWHM END =       0.55 / Observatory Seeing queried from AS
HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI FWHM START       =       0.52 / Observatory Seeing queried
HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI PRES END =     744.13 / Observatory ambient air pressure q
HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI PRES START       =     744.18 / Observatory ambient air pr
HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI RHUM     =       11.5 / Observatory ambient relative humid
HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI TAU0     =      0.005 / Average coherence time
HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI TEMP     =      13.04 / Observatory ambient temperature qu
HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI WINDDIR  =      351.5 / Observatory ambient wind direction
HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI WINDSP   =        5.6 / Observatory ambient wind speed que
HIERARCH ESO TEL AZ    =     37.254 / Az angle at start S=0,W=90
HIERARCH ESO TEL CHOP ST       = F / True when chopping is active
HIERARCH ESO TEL DATE  = '2000-01-01T00:00:00' / TCS installation date
HIERARCH ESO TEL DID   = 'ESO-VLT-DIC.TCS' / Data dictionary for TEL
HIERARCH ESO TEL FOCU ID       = 'CA      ' / Telescope focus station ID
HIERARCH ESO TEL FOCU LEN      =    108.557 / Focal length
HIERARCH ESO TEL FOCU SCALE    =      1.894 / Focal scale
HIERARCH ESO TEL FOCU VALUE    =      0.579 / M2 setting
HIERARCH ESO TEL GEOELEV       =      2648. / Elevation above sea level (m)
HIERARCH ESO TEL GEOLAT=   -24.6272 / Tel geo latitute (+=North)
HIERARCH ESO TEL GEOLON=   -70.4048 / Tel geo longitude (+=East)
HIERARCH ESO TEL IA FWHM       =       0.56 / Delivered seeing corrected by airm
HIERARCH ESO TEL IA FWHMLIN    =       0.66 / Delivered seeing on IA detector (l
HIERARCH ESO TEL IA FWHMLINOBS =       0.69 / Delivered seeing on IA detector (l
HIERARCH ESO TEL ID    = 'v 4.4   ' / TCS version number
HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON DEC      =    3.22137 / 03:13:16.9 DEC (J2000)
HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON RA       = 355.182832 / 23:40:43.8 RA (J2000)
HIERARCH ESO TEL OPER  = 'I, Condor' / Telescope Operator
HIERARCH ESO TEL PARANG END    =     48.212 / Parallactic angle at end
HIERARCH ESO TEL PARANG START  =     45.142 / Parallactic angle at start
HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG ALPHA    =  160700.61 / Alpha coordinate for the target
HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG COORDTYPE= 'M       ' / Coordinate type (M=mean A=apparen
HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG DELTA    = -390219.37 / Delta coordinate for the target
HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG EPOCH    =      2000. / Epoch
HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG EPOCHSYSTEM      = 'J       ' / Epoch system (default J=Ju
HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG EQUINOX  =      2000. / Equinox
HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG PARALLAX =         0. / Parallax
HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG PMA      =         0. / Proper Motion Alpha
HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG PMD      =         0. / Proper motion Delta
HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG RADVEL   =         0. / Radial velocity
HIERARCH ESO TEL TH M1 TEMP    =      12.03 / M1 superficial temperature
HIERARCH ESO INS ADC1 DEC      = -390412.50877 / Telescope desclination [deg].
HIERARCH ESO INS ADC1 END      =    155.907 / Position angle at end [deg].
HIERARCH ESO INS ADC1 RA       = 160752.887915 / Telescope right ascension [deg]
HIERARCH ESO INS ADC2 DEC      = -390412.50877 / Telescope desclination [deg].
HIERARCH ESO INS ADC2 END      =     182.67 / Position angle at end [deg].
HIERARCH ESO INS ADC2 RA       = 160752.887915 / Telescope right ascension [deg]
HIERARCH ESO INS ADC3 DEC      = -390412.50877 / Telescope desclination [deg].
HIERARCH ESO INS ADC3 ENCSTART =      31781 / ADC encoder value at exposure star
HIERARCH ESO INS ADC3 END      =    154.511 / Position angle at end [deg].
HIERARCH ESO INS ADC3 RA       = 160752.887915 / Telescope right ascension [deg]
HIERARCH ESO INS ADC4 DEC      = -390412.50877 / Telescope desclination [deg].
HIERARCH ESO INS ADC4 ENCSTART =      35094 / ADC encoder value at exposure star
HIERARCH ESO INS ADC4 END      =    172.663 / Position angle at end [deg].
HIERARCH ESO INS ADC4 RA       = 160752.887915 / Telescope right ascension [deg]
HIERARCH ESO INS DATE  = '2005-04-01' / Instrument release date (yyyy-mm-d
HIERARCH ESO INS FILT1 ID      = 'PS11    ' / Filter unique id.
HIERARCH ESO INS FILT1 NAME    = 'I       ' / Filter name.
HIERARCH ESO INS FILT1 NO      =         11 / Filter wheel position index.
HIERARCH ESO INS FOCU1 ENC     =      26884 / Absolute position [Enc].
HIERARCH ESO INS FOCU1 POS     =       13.7 / Position [C].
HIERARCH ESO INS FOCU2 ENC     =      11750 / Absolute position [Enc].
HIERARCH ESO INS FOCU2 POS     =         0. / Position [C].
HIERARCH ESO INS ID    = 'XSHOOTER/1.60' / Instrument ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS MIRR1 ID      = 'Tel     ' / Mirror unique ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS MIRR1 NAME    = 'Tel     ' / Mirror name.
HIERARCH ESO INS MIRR1 NO      =          1 / Mirror slide position.
HIERARCH ESO INS MODE  = 'SLITSPEC' / Instrument mode used.
HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI2 ID      = 'SLOT    ' / OPTIi unique ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI2 NO      =          3 / OPTIi slot number.
HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI3 ID      = 'PS7     ' / OPTIi unique ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI3 NAME    = '1.0x11  ' / OPTIi name.
HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI3 NO      =          7 / OPTIi slot number.
HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI3 TYPE    = 'SLIT    ' / OPTIi element.
HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI4 ID      = 'PS7     ' / OPTIi unique ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI4 NAME    = '0.9x11  ' / OPTIi name.
HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI4 NO      =          7 / OPTIi slot number.
HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI4 TYPE    = 'SLIT    ' / OPTIi element.
HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI5 ID      = 'PS3     ' / OPTIi unique ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI5 NAME    = '0.9x11  ' / OPTIi name.
HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI5 NO      =          3 / OPTIi slot number.
HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI5 TYPE    = 'SLIT    ' / OPTIi element.
HIERARCH ESO INS PATH  = 'SLITSPEC' / Optical path used.
HIERARCH ESO INS SENS21 ID     = 'CA1F1   ' / sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS SENS21 NAME   = 'Cab.1 Flow rate' / sensor common name.
HIERARCH ESO INS SENS21 VAL    =        62. / Cab. 1 Flow rate [l/h]
HIERARCH ESO INS SENS60 ID     = 'NPM     ' / sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS SENS60 NAME   = 'NIR cryo. P' / sensor common name.
HIERARCH ESO INS SENS60 VAL    =   0.000125 / NIR Pressure [mbar]
HIERARCH ESO INS SENS81 ID     = 'RANGE   ' / sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS SENS81 NAME   = 'Heater Range' / sensor common name.
HIERARCH ESO INS SENS81 VAL    =         4. / Lake 340 Heater Range
HIERARCH ESO INS SENS82 ID     = 'HEATR   ' / sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS SENS82 NAME   = 'Heater output' / sensor common name.
HIERARCH ESO INS SENS82 VAL    =       47.2 / Lake 340 Heater output
HIERARCH ESO INS SHUT1 ID      = 'INSH    ' / Shutter ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS SHUT1 NAME    = 'Instrument shutter' / Shutter name.
HIERARCH ESO INS SHUT1 ST      = T / Shutter open.
HIERARCH ESO INS SWSIM = 'NORMAL  ' / Software simulation.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP1 ID      = 'TMUC    ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP1 NAME    = 'UVB Camera temp.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP1 VAL     =      13.74 / UVB Camera temp. [C]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP10 ID     = 'TMA     ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP10 NAME   = 'Ambient temp.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP10 VAL    =       13.7 / Ambient temp. [C]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP11 ID     = 'TMADC   ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP11 NAME   = 'BB UVB ADC temp.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP11 VAL    =      15.93 / BB UVB ADC temp. [C]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP2 ID      = 'TMUP    ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP2 NAME    = 'UVB Prism temp.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP2 VAL     =       13.4 / UVB Prism temp. [C]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP21 ID     = 'CA1OT   ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP21 NAME   = 'Cab.1 outlet temp.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP21 VAL    =      11.82 / Cab. 1 outlet temp. [C]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP22 ID     = 'CA1IT   ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP22 NAME   = 'Cab.1 inlet temp.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP22 VAL    =       8.72 / Cab. 1 inlet temp. [C]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP23 ID     = 'CA1CT   ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP23 NAME   = 'Cab.1 temp.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP23 VAL    =      16.84 / Cab. 1 temp. [C]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP24 ID     = 'CA1AT   ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP24 NAME   = 'Cab.1 Amb. temp.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP24 VAL    =      13.89 / Cab. 1 Amb. temp.  [C]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP3 ID      = 'TMUB    ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP3 NAME    = 'UVB bench temp.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP3 VAL     =       13.7 / UVB bench temp. [C]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP4 ID      = 'TMVC    ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP4 NAME    = 'VIS Camera temp.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP4 VAL     =      12.63 / VIS Camera temp. [C]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP5 ID      = 'TMVP    ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP5 NAME    = 'VIS Prism temp.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP5 VAL     =       13.1 / VIS Prism temp. [C]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP6 ID      = 'TMVB    ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP6 NAME    = 'VIS bench temp.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP6 VAL     =      13.27 / VIS bench temp. [C]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP7 ID      = 'TMUCR   ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP7 NAME    = 'UVB cryo. temp.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP7 VAL     =       7.71 / UVB cryo. temp. [C]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP8 ID      = 'TMVCR   ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP8 NAME    = 'VIS cryo. temp.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP8 VAL     =       12.2 / VIS cryo. temp. [C]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP80 ID     = 'OBCT    ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP80 NAME   = 'OB Cover Tel.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP80 VAL    =     103.99 / OB Cover Telescope [K]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP81 ID     = 'OBCB    ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP81 NAME   = 'OB Cover Tank' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP81 VAL    =     104.07 / OB Cover Tank [K]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP82 ID     = 'OBPR    ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP82 NAME   = 'OB Prism1' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP82 VAL    =     103.33 / OB Prism1 [K]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP83 ID     = 'OBCL    ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP83 NAME   = 'OB Corrector Lens' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP83 VAL    =     104.14 / OB Corrector Lens [K]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP84 ID     = 'CP      ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP84 NAME   = 'Cryo. Cold Plate' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP84 VAL    =     86.917 / Cryostat Cold Plate [K]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP85 ID     = 'RS      ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP85 NAME   = 'Cryo. rad. shield' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP85 VAL    =       103. / Cryostat rad. shield [K]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP86 ID     = 'DCB     ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP86 NAME   = 'CCD Copper bar' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP86 VAL    =     76.791 / CCD Copper bar [K]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP9 ID      = 'TMNCR   ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP9 NAME    = 'NIR cryo. temp.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP9 VAL     =      14.13 / NIR cryo. temp. [C]
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP90 ID     = 'NHT     ' / Temperature sensor ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP90 NAME   = 'NIR Head temp.' / Temperature sensor name.
HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP90 VAL    =        79. / NIR Head temp. [K]
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 AFCX    =      0.434 / Flexure corr. in X [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 AFCY    =     -0.404 / Flexure corr. in Y [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 CONVX   =      0.208 / VoltToMarcsec conversion in X.
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 CONVY   =      0.269 / VoltToMarcsec conversion in Y.
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 ENGX    =      5.607 / Piezo voltage at end in X [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 ENGY    =      4.073 / Piezo voltage at end in Y [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 ID      = 'afcs1   ' / AFCS ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 NAME    = 'Flexure comp. UVB' / AFCS description.
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 OFFSETX =         5. / Offset voltage in X [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 OFFSETY =         5. / Offset voltage in Y [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 POSXEND =      0.605 / Piezo position at end [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 POSXSTART       =      0.561 / Piezo position at start in
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 POSYEND =      -0.93 / Piezo position at end [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 POSYSTART       =     -0.913 / Piezo position at start in
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 REFRACXEND      =      1.268 / Atm. refr. corr. end in X
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 REFRACXST       =      1.211 / Atm. refr. corr. start in
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 REFRACYEND      =     -1.517 / Atm. refr. corr. end in Y
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT1 REFRACYST       =     -1.512 / Atm. refr. corr. start in
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 AFCX    =     -0.524 / Flexure corr. in X [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 AFCY    =      0.143 / Flexure corr. in Y [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 CONVX   =      0.291 / VoltToMarcsec conversion in X.
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 CONVY   =      0.384 / VoltToMarcsec conversion in Y.
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 ENGX    =      4.337 / Piezo voltage at end in X [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 ENGY    =      5.602 / Piezo voltage at end in Y [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 ID      = 'afcs2   ' / AFCS ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 NAME    = 'Flexure comp. VIS' / AFCS description.
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 OFFSETX =         5. / Offset voltage in X [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 OFFSETY =         5. / Offset voltage in Y [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 POSXEND =     -0.664 / Piezo position at end [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 POSXSTART       =     -0.628 / Piezo position at start in
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 POSYEND =      0.604 / Piezo position at end [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 POSYSTART       =      0.589 / Piezo position at start in
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 REFRACXEND      =     -1.304 / Atm. refr. corr. end in X
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 REFRACXST       =     -1.257 / Atm. refr. corr. start in
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 REFRACYEND      =      1.552 / Atm. refr. corr. end in Y
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT2 REFRACYST       =      1.546 / Atm. refr. corr. start in
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 AFCX    =     -0.035 / Flexure corr. in X [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 AFCY    =      0.037 / Flexure corr. in Y [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 CONVX   =       0.58 / VoltToMarcsec conversion in X.
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 CONVY   =       0.56 / VoltToMarcsec conversion in Y.
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 ENGX    =      5.545 / Piezo voltage at end in X [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 ENGY    =      5.199 / Piezo voltage at end in Y [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 ID      = 'afcs3   ' / AFCS ID.
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 NAME    = 'Flexure comp. NIR' / AFCS description.
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 OFFSETX =         5. / Offset voltage in X [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 OFFSETY =         5. / Offset voltage in Y [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 POSXEND =      0.543 / Piezo position at end [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 POSXSTART       =      0.524 / Piezo position at start in
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 POSYEND =      0.189 / Piezo position at end [volt].
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 POSYSTART       =       0.15 / Piezo position at start in
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 REFRACXEND      =      -1.42 / Atm. refr. corr. end in X
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 REFRACXST       =     -1.376 / Atm. refr. corr. start in
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 REFRACYEND      =      1.669 / Atm. refr. corr. end in Y
HIERARCH ESO INS TILT3 REFRACYST       =      1.663 / Atm. refr. corr. start in
HIERARCH ESO DET BITS  =         16 / Bits per pixel readout
HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP1 DATE    = '2005-04-22' / Date of installation [YYYY-MM-DD
HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP1 ID      = 'Catherine' / Detector chip identification
HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP1 INDEX   =          1 / Chip index
HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP1 NAME    = 'MIT/LL CCID-20' / Detector chip name
HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP1 NX      =       2048 / # of pixels along X
HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP1 NY      =       4102 / # of pixels along Y
HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP1 PSZX    =        15. / Size of pixel in X
HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP1 PSZY    =        15. / Size of pixel in Y
HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP1 X       =          1 / X location in array
HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP1 XGAP    =         0. / Gap between chips along x
HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP1 Y       =          1 / Y location in array
HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP1 YGAP    =         0. / Gap between chips along y
HIERARCH ESO DET CHIPS =          1 / # of chips in detector array
HIERARCH ESO DET DATE  = '2005-22-04' / Installation date
HIERARCH ESO DET DEC   =         0. / Apparent 00:00:00.0 DEC at start
HIERARCH ESO DET EXP NO=       1111 / Unique exposure ID number
HIERARCH ESO DET EXP RDTTIME   =     89.066 / image readout time
HIERARCH ESO DET EXP TYPE      = 'Normal  ' / Exposure type
HIERARCH ESO DET EXP XFERTIM   =     89.078 / image transfer time
HIERARCH ESO DET FRAM ID       =          1 / Image sequencial number
HIERARCH ESO DET FRAM TYPE     = 'Normal  ' / Type of frame
HIERARCH ESO DET ID    = 'CCD FIERA - Rev: 3.108' / Detector system Id
HIERARCH ESO DET NAME  = 'shdetv - shdetv' / Name of detector system
HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 CHIP     =          1 / Chip to which the output belongs
HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 CONAD    =        0.6 / Conversion from ADUs to electrons
HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 GAIN     =       1.67 / Conversion from electrons to ADU
HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 ID       = 'A       ' / Output ID as from manufacturer
HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 INDEX    =          1 / Output index
HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 NAME     = 'A       ' / Description of output
HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 NX       =       2048 / valid pixels along X
HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 NY       =       4000 / valid pixels along Y
HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 OVSCX    =         48 / Overscan region in X
HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 OVSCY    =          0 / Overscan region in Y
HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 PRSCX    =         10 / Prescan region in X
HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 PRSCY    =          0 / Prescan region in Y
HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 RON      =        3.2 / Readout noise per output (e-)
HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 X=          1 / X location of output
HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 Y=          1 / Y location of output
HIERARCH ESO DET OUTPUTS       =          1 / # of outputs
HIERARCH ESO DET OUTREF=          0 / reference output
HIERARCH ESO DET RA    =         0. / Apparent 00:00:00.0 RA at start
HIERARCH ESO DET READ CLOCK    = '100k/1pt/hg' / Readout clock pattern used
HIERARCH ESO DET READ MODE     = 'normal  ' / Readout method
HIERARCH ESO DET READ NFRAM    =          1 / Number of readouts buffered in sin
HIERARCH ESO DET READ SPEED    = '1pt/100k/hg' / Readout speed
HIERARCH ESO DET SHUT ID       = 'VA 25mm BistableCCD Sensor1' / Shutter unique
HIERARCH ESO DET SHUT TMCLOS   =         0. / Time taken to close shutter
HIERARCH ESO DET SHUT TMOPEN   =         0. / Time taken to open shutter
HIERARCH ESO DET SHUT TYPE     = 'Iris on Slit' / type of shutter
HIERARCH ESO DET SOFW MODE     = 'Normal  ' / CCD sw operational mode
HIERARCH ESO DET TELE INT      =       600. / Interval between two successive te
HIERARCH ESO DET TELE NO       =          4 / # of sources active
HIERARCH ESO DET TLM1 END      =       135. / Telemetry value at read completion
HIERARCH ESO DET TLM1 ID       = 'CCD Sensor1' / ID of telemetry sensor
HIERARCH ESO DET TLM1 NAME     = 'CCD T1  ' / Description of telemetry param.
HIERARCH ESO DET TLM1 START    =       135. / Telemetry value at read start
HIERARCH ESO DET TLM2 END      =      142.6 / Telemetry value at read completion
HIERARCH ESO DET TLM2 ID       = 'CCD Sensor2' / ID of telemetry sensor
HIERARCH ESO DET TLM2 NAME     = 'CCD T2  ' / Description of telemetry param.
HIERARCH ESO DET TLM2 START    =      142.6 / Telemetry value at read start
HIERARCH ESO DET TLM3 END      =         0. / Telemetry value at read completion
HIERARCH ESO DET TLM3 ID       = 'Box Temp' / ID of telemetry sensor
HIERARCH ESO DET TLM3 NAME     = 'EBOX T  ' / Description of telemetry param.
HIERARCH ESO DET TLM3 START    =         0. / Telemetry value at read start
HIERARCH ESO DET TLM4 END      =         0. / Telemetry value at read completion
HIERARCH ESO DET TLM4 ID       = 'Vacuum  ' / ID of telemetry sensor
HIERARCH ESO DET TLM4 NAME     = 'Vacuum  ' / Description of telemetry param.
HIERARCH ESO DET TLM4 START    =         0. / Telemetry value at read start
HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 BINX     =          1 / Binning factor along X
HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 BINY     =          1 / Binning factor along Y
HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 DIT1     = 250.000003 / actual subintegration time
HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 DKTM     =     250.37 / Dark current time
HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 NDIT     =          1 / # of subintegrations
HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 NX       =       2106 / # of pixels along X
HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 NY       =       4000 / # of pixels along Y
HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 ST       = T / If T, window enabled
HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 STRX     =          1 / Lower left pixel in X
HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 STRY     =          1 / Lower left pixel in Y
HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 UIT1     =       250. / user defined subintegration time
HIERARCH ESO DET WINDOWS       =          1 / # of windows readout
HIERARCH ESO PRO CATG  = 'SCI_SLIT_FLUX_MERGE2D_VIS' / Category of pipeline prod
HIERARCH ESO PRO DID   = 'PRO-1.15' / Data dictionary for PRO
HIERARCH ESO PRO SCIENCE       = T / Scientific product if T
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 ID       = 'xsh_scired_slit_nod' / Pipeline recipe (unique
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 DRS ID   = 'cpl-5.3.1' / Data Reduction System identifier
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PIPE ID  = 'xsh/1.3.7' / Pipeline (unique) identifier
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 RAW1 NAME= 'XSHOO.2012-04-18T08:01:15.735.fits' / File na
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 RAW2 NAME= 'XSHOO.2012-04-18T08:08:21.960.fits' / File na
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL1 DATAMD5     = '9b447dab81b23bf0fbccda78f6fdc79d' / MD
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL2 NAME= 'MASTER_BIAS_VIS_100k.fits' / File name of cal
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL2 CATG= 'MASTER_BIAS_VIS' / Category of calibration fr
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL2 DATAMD5     = '2dd04bace4ae311682f7e30ee4532f89' / MD
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL3 DATAMD5     = 'e7e9817af1b8717d0c6068d7d1e0179b' / MD
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL4 DATAMD5     = 'e2daa0eb5e4348cfa20ef47f8a767994' / MD
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL5 NAME= 'BP_MAP_RP_VIS_REF_1x1.fits' / File name of ca
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL5 CATG= 'MASTER_BP_MAP_VIS' / Category of calibration
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL5 DATAMD5     = 'f6743ea948006ad37d5bc7470b1f8242' / MD
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL6 NAME= 'DISP_TAB_AFC_VIS.fits' / File name of calibra
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL6 CATG= 'DISP_TAB_AFC_VIS' / Category of calibration f
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL6 DATAMD5     = 'fa34c6c6f021f30a7edd00537b3e49fc' / MD
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL7 NAME= 'WAVE_TAB_AFC_VIS.fits' / File name of calibra
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL7 CATG= 'WAVE_TAB_AFC_VIS' / Category of calibration f
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL7 DATAMD5     = '098506a63779f539702a98594680f388' / MD
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL8 DATAMD5     = 'e5b20bf633955b949b383772ab09b7b8' / MD
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL9 NAME= 'xsh_paranal_extinct_vis.fits' / File name of
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL9 CATG= 'ATMOS_EXT_VIS' / Category of calibration fram
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 CAL9 DATAMD5     = '6aea4595776baaa7efc244012254dd9c' / MD
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM1 NAME      = 'keep-temp' / If 'no', temporary files
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM1 VALUE     = 'no      ' / Default: 'no'
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM2 NAME      = 'debug-level' / Additional xshooter deb
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM2 VALUE     = 'none    ' / Default: 'none'
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM3 NAME      = 'test    ' / Can be any string, usage d
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM3 VALUE     = 'none    ' / Default: 'none'
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM4 NAME      = 'time-stamp' / Add timestamp to product
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM4 VALUE     = 'false   ' / Default: false
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM5 NAME      = 'pre-overscan-corr' / pre-overscan corr
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM5 VALUE     = '0       ' / Default: 0
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM6 NAME      = 'background-nb-y' / number of points of
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM6 VALUE     = '100     ' / Default: 100
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM7 NAME      = 'background-radius-x' / half size of th
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM7 VALUE     = '-1      ' / Default: -1
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM8 NAME      = 'background-radius-y' / half size of th
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM8 VALUE     = '2       ' / Default: 2
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM9 NAME      = 'background-min-grid-frac' / Minimum fr
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM9 VALUE     = '0.3333  ' / Default: 0.3333
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM10 NAME     = 'background-grid-frac' / maximum fracti
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM10 VALUE    = '0.5     ' / Default: 0.5
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM11 NAME     = 'background-method' / method adopted fo
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM11 VALUE    = 'poly    ' / Default: 'poly'
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM12 NAME     = 'background-smooth-x' / Smoothing radiu
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM12 VALUE    = '-1      ' / Default: -1
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM13 NAME     = 'background-smooth-y' / Smoothing radiu
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM13 VALUE    = '100     ' / Default: 100
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM14 NAME     = 'background-debug' / Generate a table c
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM14 VALUE    = 'true    ' / Default: true
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM15 NAME     = 'removecrhsingle-frac-max' / Max fracti
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM15 VALUE    = '0.1     ' / Default: 0.1
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM16 NAME     = 'removecrhsingle-sigmalim' / Poisson fl
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM16 VALUE    = '5       ' / Default: 5
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM17 NAME     = 'removecrhsingle-flim' / Minimum contra
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM17 VALUE    = '2       ' / Default: 2
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM18 NAME     = 'removecrhsingle-niter' / Max number of
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM18 VALUE    = '4       ' / Default: 4
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM19 NAME     = 'rectify-kernel' / Name of the Interpol
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM19 VALUE    = 'default ' / Default: 'default'
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM20 NAME     = 'rectify-radius' / Rectify Interpolatio
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM20 VALUE    = '1       ' / Default: 4
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM21 NAME     = 'rectify-bin-lambda' / Wavelength step
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM21 VALUE    = '0.02    ' / Default: -1
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM22 NAME     = 'rectify-bin-slit' / Spatial step along
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM22 VALUE    = '0.16    ' / Default: -1
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM23 NAME     = 'rectify-full-slit' / Use full slit if
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM23 VALUE    = 'true    ' / Default: true
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM24 NAME     = 'rectify-conserve-flux' / Use flux cons
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM24 VALUE    = 'false   ' / Default: false
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM25 NAME     = 'rectify-fast' / Fast if TRUE (Rect[B-A
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM25 VALUE    = 'true    ' / Default: true
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM26 NAME     = 'localize-method' / Localization method
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM27 NAME     = 'localize-chunk-nb' / Number of chunks
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM27 VALUE    = '10      ' / Default: 10
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM28 NAME     = 'localize-thresh' / Threshold relative
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM28 VALUE    = '0.1     ' / Default: 0.1
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM29 NAME     = 'localize-deg-lambda' / Degree in lambd
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM29 VALUE    = '0       ' / Default: 0
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM30 NAME     = 'localize-slit-position' / Object posit
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM30 VALUE    = '0       ' / Default: 0
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM31 NAME     = 'localize-slit-hheight' / Object half h
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM31 VALUE    = '0.5     ' / Default: 0.5
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM32 NAME     = 'localize-kappa' / Kappa value for sigm
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM32 VALUE    = '3       ' / Default: 3
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM33 NAME     = 'localize-niter' / Number of iterations
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM33 VALUE    = '3       ' / Default: 3
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM34 NAME     = 'localize-use-skymask' / TRUE if we wan
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM34 VALUE    = 'false   ' / Default: false
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM35 NAME     = 'localize-nod-throw' / Step (arcsec) be
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM35 VALUE    = '0       ' / Default: 0
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM36 NAME     = 'extract-method' / Method used for extr
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM36 VALUE    = 'NOD     ' / Default: 'NOD'
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM37 NAME     = 'mergeord-method' / Method for combinin
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM37 VALUE    = '0       ' / Default: 0
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM38 NAME     = 'combinenod-min' / minimum NS size of r
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM38 VALUE    = '5       ' / Default: 5
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM39 NAME     = 'combinenod-clip' / TRUE if do sigma cl
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM39 VALUE    = 'true    ' / Default: true
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM40 NAME     = 'combinenod-clip-sigma' / Kappa value i
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM40 VALUE    = '5       ' / Default: 5
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM41 NAME     = 'combinenod-clip-niter' / Number of ite
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM41 VALUE    = '2       ' / Default: 2
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM42 NAME     = 'combinenod-clip-diff' / Minimal change
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM42 VALUE    = '0.1     ' / Default: 0.1
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM43 NAME     = 'combinenod-throwlist' / Name of ascii
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM43 VALUE    = 'throwlist.asc' / Default: 'throwlist.a
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM44 NAME     = 'combinenod-method' / Combination metho
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM45 NAME     = 'max-slit' / Lower Slit Limit (localize
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM45 VALUE    = '5.7     ' / Default: 5.7
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM46 NAME     = 'min-slit' / Upper Slit Limit (localize
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM46 VALUE    = '-5.3    ' / Default: -5.3
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM47 NAME     = 'crh-clip-kappa' / Kappa value in sigma
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM47 VALUE    = '5       ' / Default: 5
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM48 NAME     = 'crh-clip-niter' / Number of iterations
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM48 VALUE    = '5       ' / Default: 5
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM49 NAME     = 'crh-clip-frac' / Minimal ratio of poin
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM49 VALUE    = '0.7     ' / Default: 0.7
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM50 NAME     = 'compute-map' / if TRUE recompute (wave
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM50 VALUE    = 'true    ' / Default: true
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM51 NAME     = 'do-flatfield' / TRUE if we do the flat
HIERARCH ESO PRO REC1 PARAM51 VALUE    = 'true    ' / Default: true
HIERARCH ESO ADA ABSROT END    =  181.76573 / Abs rot angle at exp end
HIERARCH ESO ADA ABSROT PPOS   = 'NEG     ' / sign of probe position
HIERARCH ESO ADA ABSROT START  =  178.67513 / Abs rot angle at exp start
HIERARCH ESO ADA GUID DEC      =  -39.08296 / -39:04:58.6 Guide star DEC J2000
HIERARCH ESO ADA GUID RA       = 241.786321 / 16:07:08.7 Guide star RA J2000
HIERARCH ESO ADA GUID STATUS   = 'ON      ' / Status of autoguider
HIERARCH ESO ADA POSANG=  -33.88422 / Position angle at start
HIERARCH ESO SEQ ARM   = 'VIS     ' / Instrument Arm
HIERARCH ESO SEQ CUMOFF DEC    =   2.075415 / Cumulative DEC offset
HIERARCH ESO SEQ CUMOFF RA     =   1.393791 / Cumulative RA offset
HIERARCH ESO SEQ CUMOFF X      =         0. / Cumulative offset X (along the sli
HIERARCH ESO SEQ CUMOFF Y      =        2.5 / Cumulative offset Y (along the sli
HIERARCH ESO SEQ JITTER WIDTH  =         0. / Width of the Jitter box (arcsec)
HIERARCH ESO SEQ NOD THROW     =         5. / Nodding throw length in arcsec
HIERARCH ESO SEQ RELOFF DEC    =   2.075415 / List of DEC offsets
HIERARCH ESO SEQ RELOFF RA     =   1.393791 / List of RA offsets
HIERARCH ESO QC NPIXSAT=       337. / Number of saturated pixels
HIERARCH ESO QC FPIXSAT= 4.11376953125E-05 / Fraction of saturated pixels
HIERARCH ESO QC CRRATE = 0.133680555556 / Number of detected cosmic ray hits
HIERARCH ESO QC NCRH AVG       =        616 / Number of detected cosmic ray hits
HIERARCH ESO QC VRAD BARYCOR   = 17.8999470794 / Barycentric radial velocity co
HIERARCH ESO QC VRAD HELICOR   = 17.8973804448 / Heliocentric radial velocity c
HISTORY  'LHCUTS','R*4',1,4,'5E14.7'
HISTORY   0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 1.1754944E-38 2.7304695E-11
HISTORY  ESO-DESCRIPTORS END     ................

#---File: sp/
Waveleng     Value   
-------- ------------
  533.66  0.00000e+00
  533.68  0.00000e+00
  533.70  0.00000e+00
  533.72  0.00000e+00
  533.74  0.00000e+00
  533.76  0.00000e+00
  533.78  0.00000e+00
  533.80  0.00000e+00
  533.82  0.00000e+00
  533.84  0.00000e+00
  533.86  0.00000e+00
  533.88  0.00000e+00
  533.90  0.00000e+00
  533.92  0.00000e+00
  533.94  0.00000e+00
  533.96  0.00000e+00
  533.98  0.00000e+00
  534.00  0.00000e+00
  534.02  0.00000e+00
  534.04  0.00000e+00
  534.06  0.00000e+00
  534.08  0.00000e+00
  534.10  0.00000e+00
  534.12  0.00000e+00
  534.14  0.00000e+00
  534.16  0.00000e+00
  534.18  0.00000e+00
  534.20  0.00000e+00
  534.22  0.00000e+00
  534.24  0.00000e+00
  534.26  0.00000e+00
  534.28  0.00000e+00
  534.30  0.00000e+00
  534.32  0.00000e+00
  534.34  0.00000e+00
  534.36  0.00000e+00
  534.38  0.00000e+00
  534.40  0.00000e+00
  534.42  0.00000e+00
  534.44  0.00000e+00
  534.46  0.00000e+00
  534.48  0.00000e+00
  534.50  0.00000e+00
  534.52  0.00000e+00
  534.54  0.00000e+00
  534.56  0.00000e+00
  534.58  0.00000e+00
  534.60  0.00000e+00
  534.62  0.00000e+00
  534.64  0.00000e+00
  534.66  0.00000e+00
  534.68  0.00000e+00
  534.70  0.00000e+00
  534.72  0.00000e+00
  534.74  0.00000e+00
  534.76  0.00000e+00
  534.78  0.00000e+00
  534.80  0.00000e+00
  534.82  0.00000e+00
  534.84  0.00000e+00
  534.86  0.00000e+00
  534.88  0.00000e+00
  534.90  0.00000e+00
  534.92  0.00000e+00
  534.94  0.00000e+00
  534.96  0.00000e+00
  534.98  0.00000e+00
  535.00  0.00000e+00
  535.02  5.48096e-13
  535.04  2.07083e-15
  535.06 -9.42158e-14
  535.08  4.19215e-14
  535.10 -1.16412e-14
  535.12  1.44878e-14
  535.14  1.85295e-13
  535.16 -2.89659e-13
  535.18  6.99959e-15
  535.20 -5.21189e-15
  535.22  3.87920e-14
  535.24  3.08584e-13
  535.26  8.39646e-13
  535.28  3.76138e-13
  535.30 -1.19044e-13
  535.32  4.58849e-13
  535.34  4.28113e-13
  535.36  5.54752e-13
  535.38  4.19373e-14
  535.40  9.53187e-13
  535.42  2.08190e-13
  535.44 -3.23303e-14
  535.46  2.20614e-13
  535.48  6.90745e-13
  535.50  6.54540e-13
  535.52 -4.98929e-14
  535.54 -1.07386e-12
  535.56  3.31826e-12
  535.58  2.52884e-12
  535.60  1.86796e-12
  535.62 -4.20235e-12
  535.64 -1.16286e-14
  535.66  5.29047e-13
  535.68 -3.23324e-13
  535.70  6.67458e-12
  535.72 -4.59184e-13
  535.74 -1.99727e-12
  535.76 -4.11629e-12
  535.78  3.66702e-13
  535.80  1.13773e-12
  535.82  4.41195e-13
  535.84  5.82210e-13
  535.86  4.68367e-12
  535.88  3.74995e-12
  535.90  1.41528e-12
  535.92  1.85182e-12
  535.94  2.12006e-12
  535.96  4.04066e-12
  535.98  1.60986e-12
  536.00 -3.77817e-13
  536.02 -1.23265e-13
  536.04  7.81879e-13
  536.06  7.47865e-13
  536.08  9.02078e-13
  536.10 -3.02341e-13
  536.12  7.82337e-13
  536.14  1.63508e-13
  536.16  2.43600e-13
  536.18  2.73047e-11
  536.20 -1.01996e-12
  536.22  4.97933e-13
  536.24  1.78224e-12
  536.26 -3.83553e-14
  536.28  9.21720e-13
  536.30  3.02980e-13
  536.32  5.25147e-13
  536.34  2.28805e-12
  536.36  6.13777e-13
  536.38 -2.47463e-13
  536.40 -1.09732e-12
  536.42  6.34839e-14
  536.44  1.41799e-12
  536.46  2.33581e-12
  536.48  1.74889e-12
  536.50  1.59500e-12
  536.52  5.59870e-13
  536.54  1.94068e-12
  536.56  7.88578e-12
  536.58  7.38180e-13
  536.60  1.66760e-13
  536.62  1.65807e-12
  536.64  2.34098e-12
  536.66  5.57045e-13
  536.68  2.14355e-12
  536.70  3.57774e-13
  536.72  3.30257e-13
  536.74  3.13912e-12
  536.76  1.30989e-12
  536.78  2.10603e-12
  536.80  1.59723e-12
  536.82  2.28129e-12
  536.84  1.64933e-12
  536.86  1.67670e-12
  536.88  2.38300e-12
  536.90  1.25173e-12
  536.92  2.62487e-12
  536.94  1.88739e-12
  536.96  9.44557e-13
  536.98  1.42015e-12
  537.00  1.52970e-12
  537.02  3.20232e-12
  537.04 -6.71964e-14
  537.06  1.11833e-12
  537.08  1.33921e-12
  537.10  6.34344e-13
  537.12  9.23073e-13
  537.14  1.62933e-12
  537.16  2.71494e-12
  537.18 -9.78891e-13
  537.20 -1.33211e-13
  537.22  2.71928e-13
  537.24 -1.95360e-13
  537.26  9.72268e-13
  537.28  1.46082e-13
  537.30  9.14063e-13
  537.32  5.91180e-13
  537.34  8.82972e-13
  537.36  1.70392e-12
  537.38 -3.10258e-13
  537.40  1.19463e-12
  537.42  8.47107e-13
  537.44  9.10623e-13
  537.46  4.13893e-13
  537.48  6.57271e-13
  537.50  8.59235e-13
  537.52  4.82750e-13
  537.54  1.60863e-12
  537.56  9.64498e-13
  537.58  1.65695e-12
  537.60  1.26398e-12
  537.62  6.26665e-13
  537.64  4.06224e-13
  537.66  4.57975e-13
  537.68  5.10835e-13
  537.70  6.94011e-13
  537.72 -5.61950e-14
  537.74  6.68018e-13
  537.76  8.18921e-13
  537.78  2.77942e-13
  537.80  1.26928e-12
  537.82  6.85224e-13
  537.84  6.26473e-13
  537.86 -3.21787e-13
  537.88  9.40355e-13
  537.90  4.87927e-13
  537.92  9.47071e-13
  537.94  2.31567e-13
  537.96  1.63734e-13
  537.98  1.86274e-13
  538.00  1.03759e-12
  538.02  6.86624e-13
  538.04  9.54211e-13
  538.06  3.67699e-13
  538.08  2.63132e-13
  538.10  1.55058e-13
  538.12  6.16418e-13
  538.14  6.24758e-13
  538.16  2.24001e-13
  538.18  4.15552e-13
  538.20  5.62891e-13
  538.22  3.96802e-13
  538.24  5.09293e-13
  538.26  3.41210e-13
  538.28  9.94413e-13
  538.30  2.49929e-13
  538.32  4.68615e-13
  538.34  3.25373e-13
  538.36  3.19883e-13
  538.38  7.95048e-13
  538.40  1.62324e-13
  538.42  1.50462e-13
  538.44  1.59643e-13
  538.46  3.09258e-13
  538.48  4.88516e-13
  538.50  3.15747e-13
  538.52  3.83512e-13
  538.54  3.94163e-13
  538.56  3.62827e-13
  538.58  5.09543e-13
  538.60  2.29837e-13
  538.62  1.32423e-13
  538.64  3.63287e-13
  538.66  2.42038e-13
  538.68  9.92929e-14
  538.70  1.70518e-13
  538.72  4.60537e-14
  538.74  2.64236e-13
  538.76  1.62722e-13
  538.78  3.79820e-13
  538.80  1.37743e-13
  538.82  1.42392e-13
  538.84  1.54426e-13
  538.86  2.88176e-13
  538.88  2.35031e-13
  538.90  2.67213e-13
  538.92  2.14053e-13
  538.94  1.52817e-13
  538.96  8.60409e-14
  538.98  1.75461e-13
  539.00  1.76652e-13
  539.02  1.12858e-13
  539.04  2.06925e-13
  539.06  9.12639e-14
  539.08  2.12881e-13
  539.10  1.03424e-13
  539.12  5.48147e-14
  539.14  8.89228e-14
  539.16  1.43515e-13
  539.18  1.13640e-13
  539.20  1.36037e-13
  539.22  1.81484e-13
  539.24  9.34275e-14
  539.26  1.10643e-13
  539.28  1.58621e-13
  539.30  9.30158e-14
  539.32  9.78748e-14
  539.34  8.89486e-14
  539.36  6.65016e-14
  539.38  8.88100e-14
  539.40  9.14717e-14
  539.42  1.83441e-13
  539.44  5.66162e-14
  539.46  1.34754e-13
  539.48  8.27401e-14
  539.50  1.20757e-13
  539.52  5.28282e-14
  539.54  8.67672e-14
  539.56  9.42860e-14
  539.58  1.30955e-13
  539.60  1.00065e-13
  539.62  1.18773e-13
  539.64  1.11846e-13
  539.66  1.15865e-13
  539.68  3.89137e-14
  539.70  7.80158e-14
  539.72  4.62694e-14
  539.74  1.30045e-13
  539.76  8.66186e-14
  539.78  5.39154e-14
  539.80  9.62493e-14
  539.82  7.45059e-14
  539.84  1.02568e-13
  539.86  1.14699e-13
  539.88  1.20898e-13
  539.90  1.24181e-13
  539.92  7.16721e-14
  539.94  1.15382e-13
  539.96  1.37732e-13
  539.98  1.08440e-13
  540.00  1.00330e-13
  540.02  1.48187e-13
  540.04  9.59981e-14
  540.06  8.68632e-14
  540.08  1.18442e-13
  540.10  9.11557e-14
  540.12  1.69809e-13
  540.14  9.36673e-14
  540.16  1.32649e-13
  540.18  1.15262e-13
  540.20  1.75061e-13
  540.22  1.53550e-13
  540.24  1.08021e-13
  540.26  1.36474e-13
  540.28  1.19517e-13
  540.30  1.72321e-13
  540.32  1.42254e-13
  540.34  1.46517e-13
  540.36  1.16308e-13
  540.38  1.15570e-13
  540.40  1.21377e-13
  540.42  1.17974e-13
  540.44  6.46026e-14
  540.46  1.39422e-13
  540.48  1.11603e-13
  540.50  9.42650e-14
  540.52  1.08624e-13
  540.54  1.38450e-13
  540.56  1.28956e-13
  540.58  1.45099e-13
  540.60  1.32078e-13
  540.62  1.14474e-13
  540.64  1.71902e-13
  540.66  1.09758e-13
  540.68  1.53413e-13
  540.70  1.90927e-13
  540.72  1.24983e-13
  540.74  1.74420e-13
  540.76  1.70487e-13
  540.78  8.90439e-14
  540.80  1.12257e-13
  540.82  1.64161e-13
  540.84  1.30224e-13
  540.86  1.63877e-13
  540.88  1.34859e-13
  540.90  1.34360e-13
  540.92  1.51410e-13
  540.94  1.58832e-13
  540.96  1.04075e-13
  540.98  1.30281e-13
  541.00  1.56374e-13
  541.02  1.21115e-13
  541.04  1.65179e-13
  541.06  1.42499e-13
  541.08  1.22067e-13
  541.10  1.16229e-13
  541.12  1.45963e-13
  541.14  1.57996e-13
  541.16  1.58799e-13
  541.18  1.70143e-13
  541.20  9.37258e-14
  541.22  1.59254e-13
  541.24  1.55309e-13
  541.26  1.31090e-13
  541.28  1.60852e-13
  541.30  1.87035e-13
  541.32  1.60003e-13
  541.34  1.67854e-13
  541.36  1.45819e-13
  541.38  1.86082e-13
  541.40  1.25310e-13
  541.42  1.81293e-13
  541.44  1.70975e-13
  541.46  1.51666e-13
  541.48  1.42384e-13
  541.50  1.37833e-13
  541.52  1.03836e-13
  541.54  1.79872e-13
  541.56  1.54180e-13
  541.58  1.63439e-13
  541.60  1.54434e-13
  541.62  1.39025e-13
  541.64  1.57938e-13
  541.66  1.20408e-13
  541.68  1.63763e-13
  541.70  1.63220e-13
  541.72  1.89773e-13
  541.74  1.38919e-13
  541.76  1.45419e-13
  541.78  1.89948e-13
  541.80  1.71810e-13
  541.82  1.38851e-13
  541.84  1.64975e-13
  541.86  1.50619e-13
  541.88  1.93658e-13
  541.90  1.74519e-13
  541.92  1.79663e-13
  541.94  1.56913e-13
  541.96  1.71349e-13
  541.98  1.59545e-13
  542.00  1.66246e-13
  542.02  1.40623e-13
  542.04  1.27138e-13
  542.06  1.53468e-13
  542.08  1.55213e-13
  542.10  1.60734e-13
  542.12  1.23843e-13
  542.14  1.62276e-13
  542.16  1.45009e-13
  542.18  1.72165e-13
  542.20  1.76218e-13
  542.22  1.46186e-13
  542.24  1.57579e-13
  542.26  1.70200e-13
  542.28  1.49094e-13
  542.30  1.80210e-13
  542.32  1.39001e-13
  542.34  1.30722e-13
  542.36  1.40672e-13
  542.38  1.38006e-13
  542.40  1.40362e-13
  542.42  1.29436e-13
  542.44  1.73203e-13
  542.46  1.60740e-13
  542.48  1.61240e-13
  542.50  1.76994e-13
  542.52  1.72395e-13
  542.54  1.78089e-13
  542.56  1.44641e-13
  542.58  1.52388e-13
  542.60  1.04057e-13
  542.62  1.72347e-13
  542.64  1.35454e-13
  542.66  1.81855e-13
  542.68  1.50126e-13
  542.70  1.66261e-13
  542.72  1.69415e-13
  542.74  1.36356e-13
  542.76  1.69287e-13
  542.78  1.92077e-13
  542.80  1.81968e-13
  542.82  1.48027e-13
  542.84  1.72501e-13
  542.86  1.40345e-13
  542.88  1.33662e-13
  542.90  1.44764e-13
  542.92  1.62244e-13
  542.94  1.35384e-13
  542.96  1.24561e-13
  542.98  1.31392e-13
  543.00  1.32369e-13
  543.02  1.58248e-13
  543.04  1.69735e-13
  543.06  1.38116e-13
  543.08  1.60424e-13
  543.10  1.67823e-13
  543.12  1.65768e-13
  543.14  1.42409e-13
  543.16  1.80310e-13
  543.18  1.56584e-13
  543.20  1.38915e-13
  543.22  1.52556e-13
  543.24  1.42534e-13
  543.26  1.47837e-13
  543.28  1.41175e-13
  543.30  1.56643e-13
  543.32  1.61108e-13
  543.34  1.58024e-13
  543.36  1.47386e-13
  543.38  1.56624e-13
  543.40  1.22681e-13
  543.42  1.46706e-13
  543.44  1.32689e-13
  543.46  1.33863e-13
  543.48  1.53504e-13
  543.50  1.56840e-13
  543.52  1.62632e-13
  543.54  1.53748e-13
  543.56  1.59387e-13
  543.58  1.65554e-13
  543.60  1.69356e-13
  543.62  1.30050e-13
  543.64  1.58742e-13
  543.66  1.51085e-13
  543.68  1.55556e-13
  543.70  1.49099e-13
  543.72  1.66441e-13
  543.74  1.52082e-13
  543.76  1.43529e-13
  543.78  1.44235e-13
  543.80  1.41463e-13
  543.82  1.43928e-13
  543.84  1.44262e-13
  543.86  1.33391e-13
  543.88  1.33357e-13
  543.90  1.64661e-13
  543.92  1.45633e-13
  543.94  1.51722e-13
  543.96  1.60657e-13
  543.98  1.60188e-13
  544.00  1.58244e-13
  544.02  1.48202e-13
  544.04  1.59126e-13
  544.06  1.48919e-13
  544.08  1.60685e-13
  544.10  1.48752e-13
  544.12  1.55292e-13
  544.14  1.52868e-13
  544.16  1.59192e-13
  544.18  1.45209e-13
  544.20  1.45132e-13
  544.22  1.47528e-13
  544.24  1.46309e-13
  544.26  1.49380e-13
  544.28  1.57718e-13
  544.30  1.63649e-13
  544.32  1.60449e-13
  544.34  1.52036e-13
  544.36  1.57757e-13
  544.38  1.49998e-13
  544.40  1.55047e-13
  544.42  1.43384e-13
  544.44  1.53503e-13
  544.46  1.42349e-13
  544.48  1.39175e-13
  544.50  1.38967e-13
  544.52  1.39279e-13
  544.54  1.43056e-13
  544.56  1.42450e-13
  544.58  1.45723e-13
  544.60  1.45740e-13
  544.62  1.45248e-13
  544.64  1.36987e-13
  544.66  1.54905e-13
  544.68  1.43728e-13
  544.70  1.33232e-13
  544.72  1.37767e-13
  544.74  1.45201e-13
  544.76  1.45094e-13
  544.78  1.47963e-13
  544.80  1.33249e-13
  544.82  1.34580e-13
  544.84  1.35503e-13
  544.86  1.45720e-13
  544.88  1.23431e-13
  544.90  1.25741e-13
  544.92  1.39554e-13
  544.94  1.53497e-13
  544.96  1.40112e-13
  544.98  1.45957e-13
  545.00  1.38611e-13
  545.02  1.45370e-13
  545.04  1.32295e-13
  545.06  1.39911e-13
  545.08  1.41886e-13
  545.10  1.38064e-13
  545.12  1.48201e-13
  545.14  1.47838e-13
  545.16  1.29545e-13
  545.18  1.43871e-13
  545.20  1.43046e-13
  545.22  1.47477e-13
  545.24  1.48105e-13
  545.26  1.48010e-13
  545.28  1.54381e-13
  545.30  1.34101e-13
  545.32  1.32865e-13
  545.34  1.36760e-13
  545.36  1.32386e-13
  545.38  1.36201e-13
  545.40  1.39578e-13
  545.42  1.51672e-13
  545.44  1.44309e-13
  545.46  1.34193e-13
  545.48  1.37416e-13
  545.50  1.30984e-13
  545.52  1.39475e-13
  545.54  1.44607e-13
  545.56  1.37225e-13
  545.58  1.35063e-13
  545.60  1.32749e-13
  545.62  1.42466e-13
  545.64  1.45398e-13
  545.66  1.48590e-13
  545.68  1.41887e-13
  545.70  1.44093e-13
  545.72  1.45410e-13
  545.74  1.44792e-13
  545.76  1.55048e-13
  545.78  1.50542e-13
  545.80  1.49923e-13
  545.82  1.50717e-13
  545.84  1.52586e-13
  545.86  1.44370e-13
  545.88  1.42058e-13
  545.90  1.45899e-13
  545.92  1.46089e-13
  545.94  1.51665e-13
  545.96  1.56126e-13
  545.98  1.46883e-13
  546.00  1.40215e-13
  546.02  1.34240e-13
  546.04  1.37304e-13
  546.06  1.36885e-13
  546.08  1.31542e-13
  546.10  1.49976e-13
  546.12  1.38784e-13
  546.14  1.47591e-13
  546.16  1.46824e-13
  546.18  1.50768e-13
  546.20  1.49130e-13
  546.22  1.47301e-13
  546.24  1.52314e-13
  546.26  1.51542e-13
  546.28  1.46447e-13
  546.30  1.41432e-13
  546.32  1.50058e-13
  546.34  1.52108e-13
  546.36  1.43781e-13
  546.38  1.43948e-13
  546.40  1.42335e-13
  546.42  1.48154e-13
  546.44  1.53317e-13
  546.46  1.49384e-13
  546.48  1.54614e-13
  546.50  1.50421e-13
  546.52  1.56992e-13
  546.54  1.47169e-13
  546.56  1.53929e-13
  546.58  1.45564e-13
  546.60  1.47263e-13
  546.62  1.44512e-13
  546.64  1.67521e-13
  546.66  1.59278e-13
  546.68  1.55561e-13
  546.70  1.54784e-13
  546.72  1.52645e-13
  546.74  1.57143e-13
  546.76  1.50465e-13
  546.78  1.55219e-13
  546.80  1.50194e-13
  546.82  1.45374e-13
  546.84  1.48421e-13
  546.86  1.57617e-13
  546.88  1.54675e-13
  546.90  1.56284e-13
  546.92  1.53609e-13
  546.94  1.47049e-13
  546.96  1.44712e-13
  546.98  1.46634e-13
  547.00  1.47943e-13
  547.02  1.40934e-13
  547.04  1.39552e-13
  547.06  1.45769e-13
  547.08  1.44896e-13
  547.10  1.46187e-13
  547.12  1.45210e-13
  547.14  1.57300e-13
  547.16  1.54483e-13
  547.18  1.56977e-13
  547.20  1.51063e-13
  547.22  1.53386e-13
  547.24  1.48277e-13
  547.26  1.52033e-13
  547.28  1.51269e-13
  547.30  1.52522e-13
  547.32  1.50797e-13
  547.34  1.53683e-13
  547.36  1.47007e-13
  547.38  1.40047e-13
  547.40  1.39686e-13
  547.42  1.38524e-13
  547.44  1.48987e-13
  547.46  1.55764e-13
  547.48  1.53198e-13
  547.50  1.50942e-13
  547.52  1.47578e-13
  547.54  1.50995e-13
  547.56  1.53079e-13
  547.58  1.53067e-13
  547.60  1.48250e-13
  547.62  1.48609e-13
  547.64  1.41607e-13
  547.66  1.49562e-13
  547.68  1.42374e-13
  547.70  1.52964e-13
  547.72  1.42968e-13
  547.74  1.41815e-13
  547.76  1.38637e-13
  547.78  1.52348e-13
  547.80  1.50724e-13
  547.82  1.54671e-13
  547.84  1.46866e-13
  547.86  1.42243e-13
  547.88  1.47674e-13
  547.90  1.46071e-13
  547.92  1.53934e-13
  547.94  1.54788e-13
  547.96  1.50480e-13
  547.98  1.56364e-13
  548.00  1.54060e-13
  548.02  1.51216e-13
  548.04  1.48879e-13
  548.06  1.45768e-13
  548.08  1.49398e-13
  548.10  1.43516e-13
  548.12  1.36087e-13
  548.14  1.37266e-13
  548.16  1.32390e-13
  548.18  1.33312e-13
  548.20  1.41617e-13
  548.22  1.42617e-13
  548.24  1.47138e-13
  548.26  1.47777e-13
  548.28  1.40647e-13
  548.30  1.44455e-13
  548.32  1.40148e-13
  548.34  1.53915e-13
  548.36  1.53201e-13
  548.38  1.49375e-13
  548.40  1.44647e-13
  548.42  1.45492e-13
  548.44  1.45977e-13
  548.46  1.47698e-13
  548.48  1.48348e-13
  548.50  1.51495e-13
  548.52  1.46909e-13
  548.54  1.46646e-13
  548.56  1.49525e-13
  548.58  1.52935e-13
  548.60  1.46358e-13
  548.62  1.47388e-13
  548.64  1.45035e-13
  548.66  1.53264e-13
  548.68  1.46704e-13
  548.70  1.38537e-13
  548.72  1.42757e-13
  548.74  1.35980e-13
  548.76  1.35605e-13
  548.78  1.42666e-13
  548.80  1.36206e-13
  548.82  1.43574e-13
  548.84  1.46483e-13
  548.86  1.50625e-13
  548.88  1.52963e-13
  548.90  1.53581e-13
  548.92  1.56511e-13
  548.94  1.48197e-13
  548.96  1.43762e-13
  548.98  1.36334e-13
  549.00  1.37357e-13
  549.02  1.46729e-13
  549.04  1.44304e-13
  549.06  1.35905e-13
  549.08  1.41936e-13
  549.10  1.47770e-13
  549.12  1.54223e-13
  549.14  1.54577e-13
  549.16  1.52023e-13
  549.18  1.52634e-13
  549.20  1.53996e-13
  549.22  1.49480e-13
  549.24  1.47181e-13
  549.26  1.47256e-13
  549.28  1.51719e-13
  549.30  1.50236e-13
  549.32  1.42678e-13
  549.34  1.44668e-13
  549.36  1.49523e-13
  549.38  1.47898e-13
  549.40  1.48861e-13
  549.42  1.41786e-13
  549.44  1.43632e-13
  549.46  1.46995e-13
  549.48  1.44023e-13
  549.50  1.45830e-13
  549.52  1.47407e-13
  549.54  1.38859e-13
  549.56  1.45003e-13
  549.58  1.45511e-13
  549.60  1.57645e-13
  549.62  1.52194e-13
  549.64  1.47216e-13
  549.66  1.39454e-13
  549.68  1.37167e-13
  549.70  1.32148e-13
  549.72  1.39294e-13
  549.74  1.37076e-13
  549.76  1.43567e-13
  549.78  1.40225e-13
  549.80  1.49332e-13
  549.82  1.49562e-13
  549.84  1.49725e-13
  549.86  1.47812e-13
  549.88  1.50495e-13
  549.90  1.45635e-13
  549.92  1.47973e-13
  549.94  1.44309e-13
  549.96  1.41382e-13
  549.98  1.41160e-13
  550.00  1.36583e-13
  550.02  1.43527e-13
  550.04  1.38093e-13
  550.06  1.45312e-13
  550.08  1.43724e-13
  550.10  1.37004e-13
  550.12  1.34912e-13
  550.14  1.39504e-13
  550.16  1.41069e-13
  550.18  1.41333e-13
  550.20  1.43537e-13
  550.22  1.48314e-13
  550.24  1.49010e-13
  550.26  1.50531e-13
  550.28  1.45784e-13
  550.30  1.38949e-13
  550.32  1.36471e-13
  550.34  1.31568e-13
  550.36  1.25456e-13
  550.38  1.31854e-13
  550.40  1.36717e-13
  550.42  1.39277e-13
  550.44  1.48011e-13
  550.46  1.44768e-13
  550.48  1.41852e-13
  550.50  1.41033e-13
  550.52  1.37330e-13
  550.54  1.33228e-13
  550.56  1.28126e-13
  550.58  1.31182e-13
  550.60  1.38191e-13
  550.62  1.31198e-13
  550.64  1.32298e-13
  550.66  1.38501e-13
  550.68  1.43291e-13
  550.70  1.40771e-13
  550.72  1.40749e-13
  550.74  1.42997e-13
  550.76  1.50545e-13
  550.78  1.45712e-13
  550.80  1.49244e-13
  550.82  1.43325e-13
  550.84  1.53805e-13
  550.86  1.47595e-13
  550.88  1.41027e-13
  550.90  1.50013e-13
  550.92  1.49299e-13
  550.94  1.46174e-13
  550.96  1.47538e-13
  550.98  1.43529e-13
  551.00  1.39837e-13
  551.02  1.40838e-13
  551.04  1.35826e-13
  551.06  1.29284e-13
  551.08  1.35243e-13
  551.10  1.32600e-13
  551.12  1.34048e-13
  551.14  1.34883e-13
  551.16  1.28148e-13
  551.18  1.29330e-13
  551.20  1.36514e-13
  551.22  1.22941e-13
  551.24  1.24194e-13
  551.26  1.20583e-13
  551.28  1.26068e-13
  551.30  1.34752e-13
  551.32  1.47285e-13
  551.34  1.47209e-13
  551.36  1.44451e-13
  551.38  1.38103e-13
  551.40  1.23419e-13
  551.42  1.18678e-13
  551.44  1.29351e-13
  551.46  1.35893e-13
  551.48  1.40388e-13
  551.50  1.38522e-13
  551.52  1.36506e-13
  551.54  1.40957e-13
  551.56  1.38762e-13
  551.58  1.34359e-13
  551.60  1.36378e-13
  551.62  1.35315e-13
  551.64  1.36053e-13
  551.66  1.42272e-13
  551.68  1.39656e-13
  551.70  1.44447e-13
  551.72  1.46098e-13
  551.74  1.49571e-13
  551.76  1.49347e-13
  551.78  1.46245e-13
  551.80  1.47425e-13
  551.82  1.39710e-13
  551.84  1.43525e-13
  551.86  1.45325e-13
  551.88  1.46201e-13
  551.90  1.43249e-13
  551.92  1.46046e-13
  551.94  1.40262e-13
  551.96  1.40273e-13
  551.98  1.41895e-13
  552.00  1.42381e-13
  552.02  1.40433e-13
  552.04  1.41070e-13
  552.06  1.43440e-13
  552.08  1.53817e-13
  552.10  1.52813e-13
  552.12  1.45981e-13
  552.14  1.48728e-13
  552.16  1.50112e-13
  552.18  1.50077e-13
  552.20  1.49999e-13
  552.22  1.38893e-13
  552.24  1.38982e-13
  552.26  1.46132e-13
  552.28  1.42710e-13
  552.30  1.45377e-13
  552.32  1.51028e-13
  552.34  1.50984e-13
  552.36  1.47159e-13
  552.38  1.39715e-13
  552.40  1.44623e-13
  552.42  1.42397e-13
  552.44  1.43339e-13
  552.46  1.41687e-13
  552.48  1.44728e-13
  552.50  1.41019e-13
  552.52  1.43149e-13
  552.54  1.41958e-13
  552.56  1.40256e-13
  552.58  1.44636e-13
  552.60  1.50851e-13
  552.62  1.42270e-13
  552.64  1.42443e-13
  552.66  1.47532e-13
  552.68  1.47909e-13
  552.70  1.46438e-13
  552.72  1.45261e-13
  552.74  1.38843e-13
  552.76  1.36972e-13
  552.78  1.41881e-13
  552.80  1.35250e-13
  552.82  1.35781e-13
  552.84  1.35856e-13
  552.86  1.44542e-13
  552.88  1.41060e-13
  552.90  1.45084e-13
  552.92  1.49499e-13
  552.94  1.53069e-13
  552.96  1.54333e-13
  552.98  1.55900e-13
  553.00  1.45227e-13
  553.02  1.49629e-13
  553.04  1.45564e-13
  553.06  1.39777e-13
  553.08  1.44979e-13
  553.10  1.49909e-13
  553.12  1.49774e-13
  553.14  1.43157e-13
  553.16  1.47223e-13
  553.18  1.44577e-13
  553.20  1.45831e-13
  553.22  1.38066e-13
  553.24  1.39218e-13
  553.26  1.38980e-13
  553.28  1.36446e-13
  553.30  1.39893e-13
  553.32  1.46386e-13
  553.34  1.50683e-13
  553.36  1.49658e-13
  553.38  1.54591e-13
  553.40  1.55251e-13
  553.42  1.48417e-13
  553.44  1.60601e-13
  553.46  1.59829e-13
  553.48  1.52463e-13
  553.50  1.53007e-13
  553.52  1.37366e-13
  553.54  1.40255e-13
  553.56  1.44470e-13
  553.58  1.56256e-13
  553.60  1.58297e-13
  553.62  1.51285e-13
  553.64  1.52325e-13